Reviews for wasteland
great gospel chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
I love this concept - the idea of modern day Cloud kind of feeling at a standstill in life but living with the support of his best friend and their big city dreams. It was simple and well done.
Triva chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Wow, I really liked this story! It's amazing how much plot and characterization you packed into a single chapter. Brilliant!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
I love how well I can see this in my mind. They're perfect.
Angelwrath chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Wistful thinking at its finest...Cheers...
thequietreader chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
Gods, but this was like a breath of fresh air.
Partially because Jukebox Hound published something in my fandom, not gonna lie, but also because this was simply lovely. Everyone's felt that kind of crazy hopeless restlessness, and I personally have been feeling an even crazier, fatalistic variation of that recently - and so this resonated familiarly. You portray it perfectly, showing it instead of telling it, and then you give us hope at the end. It's precisely in character, I love the way you make it current, and it portrays that odd talent your works show for being the realest of utter fictions in just a few (hundred, thousand) words. So, ah, thank you.
On a side note, I'm going to use this space to say something really quickly - d'you remember, like a year or more ago, when a random someone commented on Eir's Tomorrow on LJ talking about podficcing it? Well uh hi that was me, and I'm nearly done - recorded up to chapter 15, I think, and edited the first ten chapters. I've been thinking about messaging you to send it to you and ask about posting it on AO3 or LJ. So, hey, yeah, let me know how you feel about that.
Chibipinkbunny chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
I love everything you write, especially with Zack and Cloud * -* I thought this piece was introspective, and captured the essence of being stuck in a rut, spinning your wheels but getting nowhere. I can't say I'm facing the same challenges as cloud and zack are in this fic, but it is easy to identify with them here. I've had a lot of health challenges in the past five years and I'm going on my 3rd hip surgery at the ripe age of 29 XD So I watch other people, friends moving on with their life, and I'm currently disabled and battling debilitating chronic pain. I'm married, but unable to work until after this third hip surgery. So I'm kind if in a temporary rut. Not the same as Zack and Cloud, but I know what it feels like to be stuck. But I tell myself things will be better, like Zack is doing in this fic, and maybe it doesn't come true but it helps to believe because the alternative is too depressing. I like the hope at the end here. I think it was a lovely way to end the piece. And the reference to them having a delivery service was cute, but it reminded me of how in canon Zack dies and Cloud has a delivery service by himself ;_; I always thought Cloud and Aerith were both old souls. At least that is how I interpreted the characters. Thanks for writing this!