Reviews for Wo Is Me
Starfox5 chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Very sweet story. I love this Wo.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
Freaking feels in that Abyssal origin headcanon, yo...Indeed, I think you wrote this impressively.
Fire lord 626 chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
What a perfect bombshell of a story!
DayDream Jedi chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
Poor Tenryuu. War often is not as simple as we might like it.

And what might happen if Tenryuu goes back to duty and she runs into an Abyssal that she once knew?

Perhaps another story in the future?
Trades46 chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
Well DONE!

The POV done by Tenryuu is great; the fact you gave her a insightful attitude & tough girl demeanour (I love how you let her swear freely, something I can easily imagine Tenryuu doing if not in presence of kids/destroyers) makes her a prime candidate for this story. I love how you managed to keep her in character to canon while showing/uncovering the side of the true form of the Abyssal ships.

The real banger here is how the admiral decided to show Tenryuu that fighting isn't all there is and using Wo as a catalyst to prove his point. The bit with Housho and Wo connection was done beautifully. I wouldn't have done better myself.

P.S. I feel that this feels like a oneshot material. If so, you mind sticking on the "completed" tag? Or did you deliberately left it out for future expansion?
Loodee chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Wow, this is surprisingly good.
Late maybe, but good job; was a great read.
Mestophilies chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Very well-written and extremely thought-provoking. Two thumbs up!

Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed this (and your other Kancolle fic as well). The pacing was just right, the cast of characters is diverse enough to give you a sense of the world this is set in, and the language is clear and straightforward.

The narrative from Tenryuu's point of view is excellently done: the voice is consistant throughout the piece and I genuinely believe in the developments of the character's thoughts. Indeed, at no point does she seem out of character, which is an exceptional achievement for any fanfiction writer.

This certainly warrants both recommendation and applause, and I certainly hope to see more (preferably Kancolle, but that's just me) from you in future.