Reviews for The Uzumaki Namikaze Legend
Guest chapter 6 . 8/20
Why does every writer on this site who trys to make naruto stronger have him barely beat people he crub stomped in cannon? Plus naruto in cannon is a fucking genius. When he tried to learn anything in cannon he learned in in record time. Its like people don't read or watch the show. Sage mode a week, shadow clones a few hours, rasengan a week, nature release 3 days. He crushed every record anyone had. Plus people are so scared to make him strong like age is something in cannin that mattered. Itachi was 13 and had orchi run away in fear. There are people who are 12 who are s rank ninjas. Every "op" naruto story makes him weaker than cannon or close to it. In the first manga if someone taught him shadow clone explosion he would have been a s rank ninja. He can make over 1000 clones. Even with explosive tags he could be an a rank ninja. Noone ever gave a fuck about him thats why is strength is so inconsistent. If you had him seriously train for years he could be an a rank to s rank ninja.
MojoBlack chapter 3 . 8/3
I totally agree with you about Harem stories lol. For me I find it almost impossible to stomach. Soon as I see "Harem" it's hard for me to take the story seriously.
Crimson Lotus Demon chapter 2 . 8/1
The plot is excellent but the way the story is written feels off. The tone of the writing feels bland. If you can change that, the book will be even better. Overall, great job! This is one of the few legitimately good Naruto Fanfics I’ve ever read.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3
Please don't waste your time with this story. Naruto is pretty much just a loser in this story. Plus his summon animal is fucking hellhounds which is the worst summon I've ever read in a fanfic. He can't be haku, he can't beat garra, he can't beat anyone. In the review for the story he has a strong naruto but he loses to everyone he beat in canon. Waste of my time to read.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/3
Ok so people don't understand how tailed beasts work. No matter hownto put it naruto would beat garra, he beats him in canon and you made naruto stronger in this fanfic. The one tail is weaker than the two tail and so on. Which means even if garra is useing his full power and naruto can only use one tail the one tail of naruto is stronger. Droping because you just plot armored a bad guy for no reason.
some cool dude chapter 8 . 3/22
if the failure rate is 66% then the passing rate is 34% not 33%
marquis.shax chapter 29 . 3/1
you made a mistake in the naming of that technique Hiashi used as Juken is Gentle Fist not Gentle Step. What you meant to say was Juho which means Gentle Step
marquis.shax chapter 7 . 2/26
yeah Sakura doesn't fit Naruto an Sasuke's fighting style any more than Hinata would at this point in time as her chakra control is probably equal to Sakura's with larger reserves, her taijutsu is much better than Sakura's and due to higher reserves and equal control she'd be able to cast genjutsu just as easily if not better than Sakura not to mention she can see through genjutsu due to her Byakugan
Cdesousa5 chapter 17 . 12/11/2019
Good story, was getting hard to read with naruto being a pansy to Sakura and not a fan of Sasuke getting zabuzas sword. Haha but not every story is written for me. Still enjoying it, keep up the good work
Guest chapter 12 . 12/11/2019
Please make Hinata-chan and Naruto-Kun get together in a slow paced manner...have a lot of obstacles they have to overcome

Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/11/2019
End of chapter author notes are getting too long...ither then that love the fic!

Keep up the great work!
Namikaze Shinji chapter 51 . 11/12/2019
Cool Story Hope you will update soon
Creed420 chapter 16 . 9/8/2019
Thank you! For a good story.
Drui chapter 49 . 9/8/2019
This fic is great, but the one huge thing I would change is the amount of POV changes. There's like 15 povs per chapter, and it sorta messes up the flow of reading.
Drui chapter 45 . 9/8/2019
Yeah, I agree about Kimimaro. He was literally on the verge of death and was about to deliver a killing blow to Gaara and Lee if he didn't die mid hit. If he was healthy, he would be a monster, potentially S rank. His Kekkei Genkai is extremely Op.
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