Reviews for Still What I Need
Sarah wakefield chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Know one knows me my name is not minstind so I'll just till you my frist randy
Romantic Journalist chapter 13 . 10/17/2015
I'm such a huge fan of Voight. He's far from perfect but he loves his family and that's awesome. There aren't as many scenes as I'd like between certain characters, on the show, but the emotions are there and I love your stories because they're just as good. Thank you!
Semaphore chapter 30 . 4/4/2015
I am echoing Shay here: "What the hell...?"
Sneaky b*gg*rs, Kelly and Erin. But maybe it's for the best, having half of Firehouse 51 and the CPD involved in planning doesn't necessarily mean a relaxed wedding (QED, the chief would agree, I think!).
I've read this story over the last 3 days and enjoyed every bit of it, from the intro with a bang (you hit the ground running there -immediately dropping a whole house on poor Severide!) until the will-they-wont-they engagement and wedding affair. And you inserted fires and rescues and police cases with the right length, they did not take over the story, but were sometimes an important part of character development.
Sometimes I thought Erin was a bit too angsty, but she got over it in the end!

The only technicality I saw was a search and replace problem. There are a number of In' endings (mid-word capitalisation) in various chapters, which were probably created by replacing ing with in' (settings for capitalisation in Word's search and replace dialogue).

Off to look for the sequel story, to find out how they did it!
Ghostwriter chapter 30 . 3/20/2015
OOOOOH! Kelly's gonna be in TROUBLE! Love it. Catch ya on the flip side.
Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 30 . 1/23/2015
Yay great ending! :) You know i'll get to the next one and I'm hoping there is nooooo more dawsey ;) I liked that there are still a few things (peeps) up in the air b/c it does keep readers coming back for more. Great job my dear and you know for me to read 30 chaps of a story with a lot of romance in it is something for me so my hats off to you! :) well done.

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 28 . 1/23/2015
Ah I knew the father was up to no good! Love protective Kelly but I hope he finds him and cleans his clock! ;)

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 26 . 1/22/2015
wow that was a twist with the dad! I don't know much about her history so I might be missing a few things but well done on the surprise. lol the shower part made me laugh. and yeah of course matt's happy for his friend. now he has to come to his senses lol

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 25 . 1/18/2015
Okay held me breath there a few times wondering if the proposal would happen. But for the two of them it was perfect lol Kelly at the big chicks was hilarious. A few funny moments to counter the angst drama I know we both love.

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 20 . 1/16/2015
*phew* held my breath a few times there but love that she's okay and of course the sweet aftercare :) I did do a small shudder when shay and Kelly were parting ways and the 'always' talk came out *sigh* just had to add that.

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 17 . 1/16/2015
Okay knew you'd never kill either and sorry had to laugh at the 'hair' talk lol but uh oh...Kelly! of course he means well but maybe she'll just realize he said what he said b/c he cares b/c she could say the same thing about his dangerous profession. course the story is already wrote on to the next few.

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 15 . 1/10/2015
AK! this can't be! oh man what a rollercoaster! yup Jimmy shoulda bought it already but hey he's a great nemesis so I can't wait to see who got what or...what got who or...

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 12 . 1/10/2015
Nooooooooooooooo please don't make dawsey make up lol dang this story is know I'm only enduring them b/c of you and I'm interested to see what happens with the main couple ;)

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 7 . 1/10/2015
hit the fan harder? lol I don't know if I can take all this romance torment! lol ;) I did like Clarke to the rescue and glad Kelly didn't wallow but he's got some fixing to do. not a linstead fan sorry mostly b/c ...well I'm not haha :)

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 5 . 1/10/2015
*phew* Okay so first off I had to keep reading b/c even though I knew you wouldn't have Kelly lose his leg when I heard 'shattered' I was like...okay yeah dang! glad they got to talk about Andy and clear the air there but oh man...yup those two are gonna go postal on the doctor. I don't blame Kelly but even still...he needs support now more than ever! stubborn man. haha and can I just say I love Hermann!

Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 2 . 1/10/2015
AK! wow you make the angsty danger and carnage come to life. I don't think I breathed during this one! I hope Jason makes it and I know you won't kill Kelly but yay an angsty #teamsevasey rescue!

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