Reviews for Chronicles of the Savage Winter
Luna chapter 23 . 11/24/2019
I am waiting maybe by some miracle that Elsa comes back alive...i dunno maybe not like she was before you know personally wise..but I know she I dead for good...AGGHHH I really hate you
isitdangeroustodream chapter 43 . 7/26/2018
I read this story when it was very first published, baited excitement filling the time between the uploading of each new chapter. I was recently sat thinking about past interest I have held and I realised I'd never commented before. This was a huge oversight on my part and one I will now try to rectify. I can't stress how important this story was to me during a dark episode in my life, the linguistic beauty of it and compelling plot driving me to remain alive just to see how the story arc progressed. It may seem infantile to some to put so much weight onto a fictional story, but when there's little hope left in your life you seek out the slightest glimmers of light, clinging onto them in order to feel something. I owe more than I could put into words to the writer of the story, I can only hope a sincere thank you can go some way to expressing how I feel. This is the best work of fiction I have ever read and it is a story will stay with me forever.
Spooths chapter 43 . 8/26/2017
Very very very good. I liked it a lot. I have various praises and critiques that I could leave here, but I'm too lazy for that. Let me simply say the you created a very cool world and a story that was an amazing read. Thanks!

I Remain,
Spooths chapter 40 . 8/26/2017
Eh, I'm not sure how I feel about Elsa and Anna just leaving Arendelle like that. It would've made much more sense to leave him as Lord-Reagent. But Anna leaving the throne as well seems to go against everything that she's learned throughout this story. Just kinda throwing away their duties like than feels wrong. Well, there are a few more chapter left so there could be more. But quite honestly I've loved virtually every part of this story except for that one event.
Spooths chapter 38 . 8/26/2017
Ohhh. I think I get why his name is Harvey now. That was clever.
Spooths chapter 18 . 8/24/2017
I just realized that you significantly changed the structure of the southern isles. I liked the whole 13 princes thing.
Spooths chapter 7 . 8/24/2017
Hmm. The idea of Elsa feeling when her ice was hit by those arrows was really interesting. Depending on how you tomorrow no of her powers, they could be considered an extension of herself and so I suppose she could "feel" it in a sense. Although I choose to view her powers as the ability to manipulate molecular movement/temperature.

Anyway, I'm really liking it!
Spooths chapter 6 . 8/24/2017
Well, she's significantly less powerful then movie Elsa. Cuz she froze and blizzarded a huge area without really noticing. This Elsa is like little babby! Lmao.

I like this other Knight lady. She's very entertaining.

I'm also surprised that Elsa has relinquished her titles and stuff. Surely she would remain princess so that if something were to happen to Anna she would become Queen. Just a thought.
Spooths chapter 4 . 8/24/2017
When Elsa was in her room changing and stuff, you included a like that I don't think you meant to include as it makes no sense; that line being, "shivering slightly as her bare back was exposed to the chill of daybreak". Elsa doesn't feel the cold lol.

Just thought I'd point that inconsistency.
Spooths chapter 2 . 8/24/2017
I like it so far. I'm excited to learn why Elsa isn't Queen and Anna is. And what the coup was about. I'm also hoping Elsa also has Ice Powers, because they make everything better tbh.

I Remain,
SinglePenguin chapter 43 . 7/29/2017
Awesome. I read it although I had a headache, but it was worthy!. ~PenguinVuelve
elsaisabadass chapter 43 . 2/1/2015
hello Fox, don't forget to put this lovely fic in AO3 in case of the admin want to delete this fic or worse, the xxxxxx group called CRITICS UNITED!



thanks for not keeping me dead, i am so awesome that even death can't stop me BWAHAHAHAHA (just a joke)
guest1987 chapter 43 . 9/12/2014
Wow I waited to the very end to comment. This story became less about elsanna and more about finishing this epic fricken read. Love love love it, if it were not for the amount of copyright violations in this I'd say print it publish it sell it damn I loved this. I hope you actually write a book someday under this pen name lol its is truly hard for me to read anything cause most things don't grab my interest very well done.
janparowka chapter 43 . 9/3/2014
So, I have arrived at this final stop. Holy word-count-imbalance batman!

I have a couple of parting thoughts I wish to share, should you wish to hear them.

The battles were very descriptively written, very action-packed, so to speak, but I think you have simply made the sisters too powerful. Anna in particular tends to tear through an army of grunts with little to no resistance, only to finally meet the underpowered big baddie. Even the wounds sustained seemed like they were brushed aside, leaving little space to truly worry for the characters. That left me a little disconnected with their struggles, and rendered their battles a bit pointless. One could imagine that by the end of the story everyone would be too scared to challenge them, simply because they dance through the battlefield fearlessly and effortlessly, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

On the other hand, in the scenes where the characters are not swinging their weapons, it's very easy to connect with them, to 'get' their train of thought, to see the longing, happiness, despair, and all the other in-betweens from the spectrum you've caused the characters to experience.
Original characters were fleshed out to the point that before starting the Epilogue I consciously wondered what became of them, each of them distinctive and memorable.

I'm actually glad that when it came to Anna and Elsa, you chose not to play the super-powers card too often, really makes one wonder just what cost using them brings. Plus, using them too often would tip the already uneven scales even further toward the wielders.

Despite my gripes with the battle scenes, I liked your approach and thoughtfulness when it came to grandiose and choreography containted in them. There were certain scenes, like when the powers first manifested in the queen, that left my mouth open, and the cogs of imagination spinning out of control.

The ending felt a bit cheesy, because you've been building up to it since Elsa's departure, and left us with a line from a rom-com instead, a stark contrast to all the death we've been witnesses to. It didn't detract that much from the enjoyment of the story as a whole, though, because in a way it granted me, as a reader, what I wanted since the last chapter of part one.
More importantly - it feels like the tale you've spun has a direction and follows it rather nicely. We depart with the events of the Solstice tearing our hearts out, and everything that happens afterwards is slowly shown to make sense.

And with that, and sadness caused by stepping out of this world you've created, I thank you for this enjoyable ride.
that-which-dwells-below chapter 43 . 8/30/2014
You weaved a story that rivals some of the best novels I have read. I could compare it to Beowulf, because of the journey that both Anna and Elsa took to find their love for one another. The twists and turns that this story took, made this story a cut above the rest. I thank you. Keep writing.
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