Reviews for The Wolf At Your Door
Dealo chapter 12 . 1/21
Wtf! Non non ! Je ne lis jamais les notes quand je lis une histoire d'une traite... je regrette ! J'aime pas la fin mdr, c'est trop ambiguë!
Merliiiiin! Sinon j'ai adoré comment tu as fait un slash sans en faire un mdr
Super histoire, si tu as d'autres idees du même genre, je suis preneuse !
Loulyss chapter 12 . 1/21/2019
I love your story! I admit the ending looked a little rushed, but as I enjoyed every single part of it, it makes it apreciable!

Thank you for writting this!
mersan123 chapter 12 . 1/7/2019
Well esmerod, finally finished - and brilliant too.
I must say I am a little gobsmacked at the ending though. Not too sure how to take this.
Thanks for a wonderful story.
madnessdownunder2 chapter 3 . 7/31/2018
Hm, who is following them? Has some one come back, or something else? The fairies did say they wanted Merlin's soul, has he become a vampire of sorts feeding on THIER souls in exchange? Lets see how you go! Very nice!
Psbluelee chapter 10 . 3/6/2018
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading thiathis story. Thank you for writing it. I do hope you will add more to it at some point.
smileylaugh chapter 10 . 2/12/2018
This is an absolutely amazing story. I love the idea and your writing style. I liked especially in the last chapter, how you balanced Dialog with description. Another thing which I like is the relationship between Arthur and merlin. Normally you read these storys where Arthur just accepts Merlin's magic and he becomes court sorcerer and so on. I think this is bull because there is just so more to Merlin's secret and you managed to create a plot where this issue plays a vital role. I absolutely love it. Can't wait to see more.
ElizaRoza chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
No no no. U made Arthur too much of an ass... MERLIN is being too magically weak and submissive to Arthur. And no he's not supposed to die for Arthur. What the hell, also ewww... Stop shipping them. Friends can be close believe me. I read it till the end so I could really decide. And Arthur isn't like that as the show shows us. Rewatch it maybe. Also Merlin is Emrys... The Emrys he can do anything
mersan123 chapter 10 . 1/16/2018
Well Esmerod, it has only been a year...well, close enough to.
Welcome back.
What a chapter to return with too. Loved a little saucy business between Merlin and (false) Arthur. Saddens me that Merlin must take love or attention from Arthur where he can. But at what a cost. How much longer can he go with his energy and power being taken?
As for the talking tongue, well that is either brilliant, or you are on something (and if so can I have some?) Very unique. That would fit Morgana though wouldn't it.
Morgana's message is not full of hope unfortunately. Just what is going to happen?
Brilliant chapter. Please, please, please do not leave us hanging for another year for the next chapter. Please?
mersan123 chapter 9 . 2/17/2017
Hey Esmerod. Well, Arthur is just falling further and further from my good books. Not to mention Percival and Leon. How hurtful that they just accept that Arthur has left Merlin alone out there and not argued about it!
It is very difficult to understand just why Merlin stays so loyal. Just what good has it done him? Arthur seems to be even more distant than he was before.
At least we know now just what Merlin is up against. But unfortunately Merlin does not and Arthur will not tell him.
Loved the background on Morgana. Very sad though.
Alright, would love to see some of Emrys and his power around about now. Before it is too late.
Thanks, hating Arthur but loving the story.
Looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/16/2017
"It's my destiny," Merlin repeated, his voice firm now and standing a bit straighter while he held Arthur's gaze. "It's what I'm here for, my purpose. Protecting you, so you can achieve all your goals is more important to me than anything else. Even more important than my own life."

Actually Merlin, no it's not your destiny. Your destiny is to help Arthur to unite the lands of Albion.

Could you please stop with the slash? They are friends, have a brotherly bond but that's it.
Gilbert's Door chapter 8 . 11/17/2016
Wow! I am in love with this story! This should have been the 6th tv series. I can't wait to read more.
Gilbert's Door chapter 2 . 11/14/2016
Ahhhh this is exCtly what I've been looking for. It's perfect in so many ways thank you! I can't wait to read on.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/20/2016
So much angst, poor Merlin. Please tell me Arthur stops being so mean eventually
thefreakinme chapter 8 . 10/19/2016
I'm glad to see your update, I honestly forgot what the story was about and had to read them all over again, which I'm not really complaining because I liked it the first time and I still like it now. I feel sorry for Merlin tho.. Arthur cant stop being a prat obviously.
mersan123 chapter 8 . 10/17/2016
Oh dear. Arthur has just proved once again why Merlin should just leave him and Camelot and find a nice Druid camp to live in. He would have my support!
Love Leon and Percival being so accepting of Merlins magic. Merlin saving Leons life was brilliant.
Arthur again questioning those around him when realising Leon knew of Merlins magic for all those years. Prat.
The scene in the hot pool was rather priceless. How embarrassing for Arthur. That I can understand.
However, to now tell Merlin he will die if he is ever seen again. Wrong Arthur. So wrong.
Thanks, loved the chapter.
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