Reviews for Memories of Iron
WindbornesWord chapter 36 . 13h
I’m quite sad that this will never get finished as it’s very good. RIP Author.
NyxSky chapter 36 . 7/9
thank you for the amazing storyAnd RIP Author
Guest chapter 36 . 7/3
Angelix18 chapter 36 . 6/30
Thank you for this amazing story
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25
Why do I think the Simurgh's scream sounds like the Chicago tornado sirens?
Steve2 chapter 36 . 6/24
It has been 4 years since you last updated this story. I suspect something has happened and hope you and any family are still in good shape. Checking your other stories, they all stopped being updated in 2016. I hope you can begin writing again, but understand if you cannot. I have no room to talk since it has been over a year since I last posted any of my stories. Real life must take precedence.

I hope there is another update. If not, thanks for the fantastic read.

Guest chapter 15 . 6/8
I thought that a dunny was an outhouse
LordLewsTherin chapter 36 . 6/8
Rip becuzitswrong. Your stories were great.
SuperTasty chapter 36 . 6/8
Rest in peace man, thanks for the story
babiloniaolimpo chapter 36 . 6/1
Why are all the good stories abandoned?
babiloniaolimpo chapter 34 . 6/1
Y aquí es cuando se pone feo.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 32 . 6/1
Reprimir una parte de ti mismo es una mala idea, debería aceptarlo y seguir adelante.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 30 . 6/1
Me pregunto porque no ha contactado con Sundancer, estoy seguro de que su poder sería útil.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 29 . 6/1
Estoy seguro de que eso llamará la atención de muchas personas, quiero ver cómo intenta explicarlo.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 27 . 5/31
the characters in a story can only be as smart as the author, I like the story.
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