Reviews for Finding Our Bliss
Guest chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
This was so beautiful. Amazing. seriously, thank you so much.
JenP10 chapter 9 . 2/1/2015
Wow! Great journal entries! I really enjoyed the story.
tigerlady1981 chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Loving this! A quick celebratory f*ck in a hospital bathroom definitely seems their style. Can't wait to read more.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/3/2014
That's it?! Is she going to start writing in it everyday that they're apart? I liked your story and I'm left feeling like I want more. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
She told him she loves him! She said it :) I guess it's skirts and dresses for the next two weeks haha.
spk chapter 9 . 7/10/2014
Absolutely beautiful. The journal is such a great idea. :)
crazyevildru chapter 9 . 4/19/2014
wow- I really loved this. Are you doing any more LoVe? Beautifully written and I love both their thoughts throughout this!
RedJane12 chapter 9 . 4/16/2014
Loved that love note in the journal... Awww Logan... The whole story was brilliant and really did a great job at filling in what was (somewhat sadly IMO) missed in the movie... I see the story is now complete but if you were, say, tempted to continue right away or after the 180 days... I'd read it! and I bet I am not the only one
Lady Greenwood chapter 9 . 4/15/2014
Beautiful, but is this the end?! nnnnooooo! It's going to be a long 180days... If this is the end please write more stories, maybe when Logan returns xxxx
Maggi Esk chapter 9 . 4/15/2014
Finally read it all this was so cute and lovely aww! I just want to watch the movie again after this.
Ok probably I'm the only one but the epic seriously not my favorite LoVe moment I like it more when they dancing in plan B. cause is all awkward and you can see it in their faces.
But whatever this was really good like the end with Keith. Her reading the note so lovely.
Hchickrocks chapter 9 . 4/14/2014
Ugh this chapter was heartbreaking and I wish we would've got the beach scene in the movie!
Lady Mischief chapter 9 . 4/14/2014
I loved the way you ended the journal with a love letter. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/14/2014
Beautiful chapter! Really fantastic. Is this story over? I can't tell sometimes if there isn't a "fin" or the like on the bottom.
Josielynn chapter 9 . 4/14/2014
I am sad this is ending but I really enjoyed it. Like your take on the ending.
AriesJohnston chapter 9 . 4/14/2014
I absolutely love love this story. It's the right mixture of bliss, snark and love that is Logan and Veronica's story. The last line of "we can do this" makes you smile and have faith that LoVe will prevail this time. Makes you wish that it's not the end of the story though!
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