Reviews for Half-Price Gemini
Sfrostwolf chapter 24 . 7/9/2017
This was beautiful and amazing and you're soooo talented. The writing style and story and characters...
No words... Thank you for this amazing story.
DredgenVale chapter 10 . 2/16/2017
WAIT WHAT TWILIGHT WAS SET IN WASHINGTON?! Sorry for the caps, but WHAT. I feel genuinely sorry for everyone, they did not see the beauty that is my home state.

Yay! Nice chapter! Made me laugh a bunch. Also assbutt somewhere before.
DredgenVale chapter 6 . 2/16/2017

I prefer the Silmarillion myself.

Also, good story! Not what I reviewed for, though... *sheepish laugh*
Fray the fish chapter 24 . 2/7/2017
This story is so wonderfully written. There are no bits and pieces that stick out to me to praise, but the whole thing is just so wonderful and amazing that you just fall in love with all of it. All the characters are amazingly created. All of them are beautiful in their own way, all so different. Your descriptions and witty writing is what truly made me love this. You always were looking forward to the next phrase that would come. Every new paragraph brought a new wave of emotion; even the sad ones were warm and heart-touching. Thank you for this rainbow piece, wish so many shades, but beautiful all the way.
ciprianoivashkov chapter 24 . 2/9/2016
Oh my gosh! This story was totally amazing! I'll be sure to read discount angels very soon :)
Audrey chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
also this thing is great haha
Weirdo Witch of the West chapter 2 . 9/5/2015
so is this Destiel or not? im so confused ;A; D:
Weirdo Witch of the West chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
i think its either Sam or Dean, but im hoping its Dean. also, is this a Destiel fic? i hope it is.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/25/2015
Haha. Bottomless pit. Because he's in hell. Love it
Old C.J chapter 24 . 5/2/2015
OMG Lucifer holy sweet Jesus how will this all play my four years have passed. hmmm, how will things have changed. I AM SO EXCITED! Discount Angels looks like it's going to be amazing just from the preview and well cause you're amazing. Well, Discoutn Angels must brace itself for my attempt at paragraph reviews. I will have no less then a paragraph at the very least!
Old C.J chapter 23 . 5/2/2015
OWWW, a time skip nice nice. AWWWW, just like how they first met with Dean trying to get a book while Cas is trying to read. "I had no idea Voldermort was so invested in my daughters future." Jesus best lines ever. That is all you man. Explain your fics in three words they would be: best lines ever. OH MY GOD GEMINI HELLO TITLE REFERENCE. The Ending was nice and sweet and I think that a sequel is the best idea ever. I have very much enjoyed the reading of Half-Price Gemeni and will read any and all continued pieces because all the other characters are fantastic and your Castiel is simply divine.
Old C.J chapter 22 . 5/2/2015
Well, this was heart pounding and very emotional. Castiel takes getting shot pretty well though the little trooper. I like his snark even if Gabriel does not in these troubling times such as these. "Off with you, maid servent!" I liked that one alot."It's my consolation prize for being shot." "Doesn't everyone dream of one day having a fugly orange blanket. I did. Until I got this one." God, man you crack me up! Oh God, I knew something was going to happen. Amelia getting hit by a car oh god I just knew it.
Old C.J chapter 21 . 5/2/2015
"Caffinate! Cafinate!" made me smile. Amelia and Claire's situation just breaks my heart and I know it's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows later on. The Dialouge in Half-Price Gemeni is defintily one of my top my favorite things, "Look at you, using adjectives that aren't property of Crayola." Loved that one. Oh no. I wasn't all that fond of Amelia in this, but poor claire and everything. Jesus. Well great chapter and on to the next.
Old C.J chapter 20 . 4/25/2015
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Things were so nice, and then Amelia kissed Castiel! Goodness, calling him James and the like. Glad there won't more any more of that. And then when Cas suddently kissed died I melted into a puddle. "Stop that now, I hate woodpeckers in the real world, I don't want them infesting my dreams." I adore many many many of the so wonderful lines you have in your fic. Whoo! Destiel ship is sailing! I need a dentist appointment now because of all the cavities I must have due to the sweetness. "Colors exist to say things language cannot" another wonderful line.
Old C.J chapter 19 . 4/25/2015
Damn it! I was supposed to review as I went along like usual, but I was so enticed I already got through half the chapter before I realized. Alright, do-over. My heart broke when I read about how Castiel felt looking in the mirror everyday and seeing Jimmy and Jimmy's name being on the lips of everyone around him; just too sad, man. Amelia is dying. I did not in any way see that coming. I thought she might try and take Claire away and expose Castiel of fraud and he might go to prison or something, but she's actually ! "I'm not going to hurt you." "Yeah, said every kidnapper ever" made me chuckle. Castiel trying to show Dean who he was, and Dean working with it was so sweet I'm pretty sure I got cavities.
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