Reviews for Camp Batman
aqp.gerencia chapter 30 . 7/15
He cumplido mi palabra leyendo cada una de tus historias y me siguen gustando, ojalá vuelvas a escribir más de Batman y Robin me encantan
aqp.gerencia chapter 6 . 7/15
Claro que la disfruto, va muy bien
Dis da Geek chapter 30 . 8/2/2019
As always, loved it! Whenever I need to smile or just want to escape, this is where I turn! I love your writing style SOOO much and I just love how you write Batman/Bruce's interactions with Dick! so sweet and awesome in their own ways! cant wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/30/2018
At the beginning of this chapter, the way you have things worded sounds like you're saying the Rocky mountains are in Europe, even thought they're in North America. That aside, I like this so far!
bwahminionra7 chapter 14 . 6/16/2018
Why do I even need school? I’m learning more by reading this than I have all year thus far!
Frances yozawitz chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
I Hope that Robin is ok.
Frances yozawitz chapter 6 . 5/28/2018
I hope that Robin &Batman are ok.
L.A.H.H chapter 30 . 4/16/2018
:) I loved this story. Thanks for writing
Guest chapter 2 . 10/10/2017
Awww... Bruce discovering friendship is so sweet! I'm looking forward to his and Barry's discussion. Although I'm sure the Flash is mostly just unsure because he gets to adopt his kid and Bruce doesn't. I wonder what went on with Wally's biological parents.
Frances yozawitz chapter 5 . 5/28/2017
I hope that Batman &Robin have fun.
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 30 . 4/16/2017

I love your stories... O_O
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 5 . 4/13/2017
This is really entertaining so far.
RainandDust chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
I am of the opinion that Robin and KF should encounter a moose.
Acacia Jules chapter 28 . 2/10/2017
It's kind of sad. Batman's methods of training children aren't that different than the League of Assassins. Instead of making learning about the world around them fun and relaxed, they make everything a test, and have them killing animals on their first trips out. Heck, Batman's even already taught Robin that people dying as a result of their actions are just part of the job. The only difference is that Damian takes responsibility for the deaths he causes, and accepts death as part of the mission. That actually makes Bruce's treatment of Damian prior to his death even WORSE, because he's really not much better than Ra when it comes to how he trains. These stories are actually turning out to be really depressing!
Cartlin chapter 16 . 2/10/2017
I'm not sure why you've made the villains at this point be so extremely violent. Just like real criminals, they weren't so violent when they started out. It was a slow escalation over time (which likely had more to do with the writers trying to out do each other, and make the comics darker and darker in an effort to make themselves seem grittier).

It doesn't make sense for them to be so violent at this stage, or Bruce would have never taken Robin with him at all, Alfred wouldn't have allowed it. At this point it was more about the Riddler, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, at the beginnings of their careers, and not that clever yet.

Nor was there EVER this much death in the beginning, and I'm not understanding why it seems to be the focus of so many of these stories. Someone or something is always dying, or you have them KILLING something! It's like your rubbing it in Robin's face for some reason, despite one of the main aspects of the DC-verse is batman's no kill policies, and fatalities being a RARE thing as a result of their actions. Robin's barely on the job, and you have goons killing each other, pets dying, the JLA wiping out masses of animals, and Batman having Robin kill for "food" despite it being completely unnecessary, when Robin is barely 10, and just lost his pet turkey! He's not even slowly introducing the idea of having to kill and prepare his own food, like someone who isn't a sadist would do, IE, doing the hunting and fishing side by side, having the kid help, while respecting any squeamishness, no they force children who have never done ANYTHING like this before, to do everything on their own! Which is the worst way to teach kids to do something, if you don't want to traumatise them!
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