Reviews for Wild Side
2ScarletRibbons chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Im sorry but I just had to ask: Will Wolf's Heart be finished, or did you drop it? Cause I love Wild Side and its sequel. *glares around room* Anyone who says otherwise shall be killed!

Yeah, so... what happened with that?
Vel-chan chapter 1 . 12/6/2002
i thought this story was familiar...i reaad it before on Gundam Thing of course! anyway, it's a great story! and you're site is really cool too! keep it up!

cya later

lilly chapter 1 . 8/18/2002
Hey I was sure that I had reviewed already NE way I love this fic! I read it so many times I've lost count. Everyone out there must read this story! One more thing. Dude, you live in Santa Cruz? I live in Boulder Creek and we have 2 pomeranians.
Chiren Decimal chapter 1 . 9/8/2001
Okay so I already reveiwd, i love this story. SEQUEL!
Dava J chapter 1 . 6/27/2001
That was gooodddddd!
Wulf too lazy to sign in right now chapter 1 . 6/13/2001
- I really liked it! I knew Quatre was the werewolf from the beginning. (He was the only one not set up to be.) Lovely, lovely writing. Interesting.
Kay chapter 1 . 5/26/2001
::grins:: You so had me fooled! I would never have guessed Quatre... but it's brilliant! And a wonderful ending, too. Excellently written, perfect- I loved iT!
PkmnGirlQT chapter 1 . 5/16/2001
WWWAAAHHH! I loved this story SOOO much! I stayed up well past my bedtime just to read it all in one sitting (not one of my best ideas, but so very much worth it!) and then come back the next day to review it! I woulda commented right afterwards, but I kinda passed out from lack of sleep and... well heres the review now! Good god I love mysteries, and this one kept me guessing the whole time! Around the middle-end I really started to lean towards Quatre, cuz Trowa was just screaming "Too Obvious!" But all the Mags too? . Didn't see that one coming! Great work!
Finny chapter 1 . 4/22/2001
Well, I don't know how the heck you did it, but you did one amazing job here! Make it look like it's Trowa, but drop hints that it's Q (like when T says he'll always protect Q, when Q's sleeping), and stuff. Amazing. *adds fic to favs* Great job!
Chiren Decimal chapter 1 . 4/18/2001
Whoa, thats all I can say. But I'll say more anyway. I thought Rashid was the werewolf(Pouts:well I was sortta right) it was a trulely great story with a great ending(Even if the suspense drove me crazy(Short trip))
AJ chapter 1 . 4/12/2001
WHaohhoo! that was good! geez, I'm home alone, in an old house that creeks. I was scared! But, Quatty and Trowa are not a couple. He's mine! *glomps Quatre* hehe! I LOVE werewolves! Quatre o.0
Relena Yui chapter 1 . 2/8/2001
yes, I actually read the whole things rubs at her eyes oi that was loong BUT very good, then again all of your stories are good _ I loved it... very original!
Hope129 chapter 1 . 11/1/2000
Wow. That was sooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD! I wish I could write like that. How long did it take you to type it up? Well anyways I loved the story, it was fantastic. Keep writin them! _
Anika chapter 1 . 11/1/2000
this was really good! I loved it! And had no idea it was Quatre! I thought it was Wufei unti lthe very end! Grerat job!
Midii Une chapter 1 . 11/1/2000
Oh my gosh! Where to start? Just perfect Maria _ I loved it all, AND you tricked me! You KNOW who I thought it was but when it was Quatre it made perfect sense, dang! Heero's outrageous attire and dry commentary was wonderful, I just loved it, the bunny slippers, that hat, the sunscreen and the odd lack of clothing at certain points _~ *mental image of Heero sans spandex with leaves in hair*. Trowa was wonderful the way he looked out for Quatre and how he looked so suspicious-nice! Duo was too much as usual when he had Trowa in the tree and his dream scene was a magnificent work of fantastical genious on your part, awesome piece of writing. The fairy love scene was beautiful as well as the wonderfully tender T/Q scenes. Had to read it twice before reviewing so I didn't miss anything!
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