Reviews for The Game Changer
Anon chapter 40 . 1/2/2017
I read both this, and the prequel in one day. It's a great read and I love how true to characterization you stayed. Happy writing xx
helenahood chapter 40 . 10/30/2016
ah, it has been such an emotional rolercoster to read this, and I totally love it all. You did such a great job writing this!
StarlightCain chapter 40 . 9/2/2016
I read this in a day. I read the family business the day before. I love your stories, they're amazing! You are now one of my favourite authors on this site.
Fizz the Great chapter 4 . 7/25/2016
thats so sad... once i accidentally clicked refresh on the essay i was writing online and i was like...nooooooooOOOOOOOONONONON
ratherbereading125 chapter 40 . 7/15/2016
May I just say that I love Ellie and Bill together.
wynnleaf chapter 4 . 6/1/2015
Been reading through this series. I don't know when you wrote the earlier one with The Fall. Maybe you wrote it befores Series 3 came out in which case I can understand you'd have a bit of a problem incorporating your story line of Ellie thinking Sherlock was dead with Series 3. While I think you've otherwise done a great job of merging your storyline with The Empty Hearse, the hardest part for me is believing that Sherlock and Mycroft would tell their parents, but not Ellie that Sherlock was alive. Back in the earlier story, I thought at one point when Ellie was sent into therapy that in reality, Mycroft would tell her the truth and take her to his parents. But for Mycroft to have put her in therapy/hospital and to have told their parents, but not Ellie, well, it just doesn't feel right at all.
ShatteredBlue221 chapter 40 . 2/1/2015
Anndd I finished TGC.
I love it! I especially loved the ending, it had me laughing hysterically!
ShatteredBlue221 chapter 7 . 1/31/2015
Hi again! About two days after picking this back up, I'm already on Ch. 7 of the sequel! I love everything about it so much, as well as your writing!
"Did you brush your hair?" I was dying, I could totally see that happening!
Great work!
Moranx3 chapter 40 . 1/12/2015
...EVERY TIME. You are one of the best, you make me cry in all your stories. :')

I pity Ellie's future boyfriends. They'd better watch out for Sherlock.
Moranx3 chapter 35 . 1/12/2015
YES YES, M/E multi-chap is AWESOME!
Dreamer558750 chapter 40 . 11/14/2014
Ellie and bill should get togearher that would be to cute! Love the story sad to see it end, are you going to do one shots or a diff story with them still
Aimee chapter 40 . 10/27/2014
Such a beautiful ending to a beautiful story :')
Well done for writing such an amazing should be very proud :)
bellechat chapter 40 . 9/23/2014
And its done... This is bittersweet. It wrapped up beautifully and had Ellie in peace. Same for The Holmes family. While I wish this wasn't over, I'm glad there's Paper Moons and Silly String. That helps a lot. Thanks for writing such a wonderful story! :)
LittleGee chapter 40 . 9/23/2014
I am not okay that this is over! It's been so awesome, I have loved every single chapter and every single moment! You are an incredible writer, and I cannot wait for the Ellie/Moriarty fic!
faceofnaught chapter 40 . 9/22/2014
Is it over!? If so, it was amazing and awesome sauce! I can't wait to read your other work :)
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