Reviews for Don't Leave Me
Elements1999 chapter 9 . 2/12/2015
Awesome story. I LOVE IT!
Princess of Miracles chapter 4 . 4/28/2014
Aw, I can't wait for the wedding!
Princess of Miracles chapter 3 . 4/28/2014
Princess of Miracles chapter 2 . 4/28/2014
Aw, how sweet!
carolaineclipse chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
WOOO I love this pair of Matt / Yamato and Davis / Daisuke are very cute together, the sad thing is that there are many stories with this couple and if any never ending story. (that makes me so eager to mourn is not FAIR)

therefore I beg you to continue with this story and update soon I beg you. I'm dying to see and READ the development of the romance between this couple, especially Matt would kill to see Daisuke overprotective. please update the look much excitement then you have my full support and encouragement you much.

PS: If you do the longest chapter would be very happy and not complaining AT ALL
WOOO me encanta esta pareja de Matt/Yamato y Davis/Daisuke son muy lindos juntos, lo triste es que no hay muchas historias con esta pareja y si las hay nunca terminan la historia. (eso me da tantas ganas de llorar que no es JUSTO)

por eso te suplico que continúes con esta historia y actualices pronto te lo suplico. Me muero por ver y LEER el desarrollo de este romance entre esta pareja, sobre todo mataría por ver a Matt sobre protector con Daisuke. por favor actualiza espero con mucha emoción la continuación, tienes todo mi apoyo y mucho animo.

posdata: si haces el capitulo mas largo estaría muy feliz y no me quejo PARA NADA
Higuchimon chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
Have the courtesy to mark this as "incredibly out of character" for everyone, because it *IS*. It's just an excuse to have whining and wangsting instead of *actual character development* that would lead to a plausible romance between the two characters. Not to mention the appalling lack of research into how diseases and sicknesses actually *work*.