Reviews for Breathe and Squeeze
missmayhem05 chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
You are getting closer to being my fave author in here.
I LOVE everything you post about Nico and Soap.
I DONT THINK Ill survive if you dont insert a tiniest hint of fluff in "Outbreak"..
But although I cant wait for the dynamic duo to get a grip of eachother, I really love the action sequences, the friendships that are building between them all.
But hell yeah go team SOCO!

p.s. SOCO is just a part of my new nicname obsession. :D luv ya and thnx for your support and advice on my story, it is an honour!
crazychi chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
Absolutely nothing wrong with a bit of fluff! It was brilliantly done and I enjoyed that short story very much. It gives more back ground on their relationship and they would be dynamite together.

Thanks for writing it, I was thoroughly immersed in their world.
