Reviews for Monochrome Memories
OSAMA NEKONI chapter 5 . 10/28/2016
more wodagrora plzzzzz... XD
oh! the story is awesome anyway! :D
DescendingSnow chapter 5 . 2/21/2016
I just read this and you were active! Thank you for this! The recent chapter is really quite enlightening regarding what the other rulers thinks about the pact and the reason why the war may have happened.
lol chapter 4 . 1/31/2016
bookwormgirl69 chapter 5 . 8/6/2015
Absolutely love this game and this story! I love the concept of Devils and Gods in other worlds. I also find the conversations between Etihw and Kcalb interesting. Please update soon.
DescendingSnow chapter 5 . 7/22/2015
Why does thou not update! Uwaaaaah. Update! D: Your writing is neat and I can never be bored. Especially to the interactions between Etihw and Kcalb. Please be active. Pleaaase
Meo chapter 5 . 4/12/2015
Your writing is magnificent. I love where this is going though I see there hasn't been an update in a while.. I hope that changes soon! I love how you see the characters and how detailed and structured everything is in this story. Your also the first I've seen that ships Sherbet and Cranber, not my personal favorite but still interesting overall. Please continue this! You have a lot of talent.
Mr. Bones chapter 5 . 2/2/2015
Good sir or madam, this is a stellar Gray Garden story with lots of potential. I love this story so far and I am absolutely looking forward to seeing it go places. There's good reading and plenty of interesting stuff going on here. It's a shame in my opinion that this wonderful game escapes the notices of so many and I'm positively elated to see a kind soul such as yourself writing a story about it. Thank you so much!

The One and Only Mr. Bones
Guest chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Please, please, PLEASE write more! I can't name a single flaw this story has. Each character is portrayed perfectly, and the accuracy to the game is absurd.
Crack-jouchan chapter 4 . 7/7/2014
The Cranbet pairing...mhmm, lovin' it! Ah, but it'll probably activate the waterworks later...-starts sniffling-

anyway, going good so far!

...i'll go to a corner and fantasize about Cranbet and Yosatona QAQ
Remepie chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
That was a nice pleasant read! Glad this updated! I'd check a few times a week to see if it updated and saw on tumblr that it did! You don't know how happy it made me! It's great and the shipping begins! xD
sunshineandmoonlight chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
So Kcalb calls Etihw 'God' and not by her name when he met her. I wonder how long it took for him to finally call her by name then by nickname.
Detective Naoto chapter 3 . 5/17/2014
Kcalb, you're as shy as ever huh? *hit by Kcalb* I somehow like how Yosaflame and Sherbet personality are reverse from Yosafire and Froze XD

keep writing
LunarCountdown chapter 2 . 5/14/2014
I LOVE YOU FOR WRITING THIS. Too many people don't even know what the Gray Garden is, and I'm happy knowing there are people out there that are as interested in the history of the gray garden, just like me.

I haven't actually finished playing this game, but I love it.
Many people have been talking about the people in the past, but where did this information come from? Like Yosaflame and all that.

Remepie chapter 3 . 5/11/2014
Oh wow this looks great! I was sad to finish the chapter since I ALREADY WANT MORE! I can't wait for the next update! Wonderful job and eager to see more!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
Aaaa, I hope this updates soon. It's interesting so far, and I really love it. So sad though.
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