Reviews for Meh, I can take them all!
CuteCannonChan chapter 1 . 8/15
You know it's an old fanfiction when it says "Track it down if you can" when talking about One Punch Man, the anime that even a lot of non-anime fans have seen in 2020.
kerrowe chapter 26 . 3/28
Oh. So that first group wasn't that E88 group. That comes next. Ha.
kerrowe chapter 25 . 3/28
Oh right the jogging heroism was a thing too. Years later someone's actuallly trying to do something about it.

Hm. So Simon Tama is the Saitama guy's name? Least the 2nd part is actually still Japanese, more so than the 1st name.
kerrowe chapter 17 . 3/28
Thinking about it now, I guess Simon Tama was probably the name they put on his ID when he moved over huh?
Rather than the name properly. Heh.
kerrowe chapter 8 . 3/28
Simon Tama? If that isn't really his name, that's quite some misunderstanding.
kerrowe chapter 7 . 3/28
Hahahaha. Well that was very entertaining. Didn't know the jogger girl was Taylor.
I like the story so far.
Sprengkamp chapter 44 . 3/5
Th for the chapter
Soda-fiedPsycho chapter 29 . 2/14
A stabbing pain..?

This is a remake of Saitama.
He could shrug off a thousand attacks from an Endbringer without any pain.
Zapper3000380 chapter 44 . 12/5/2019
Dann, this was good. 3 years have passed with no update, rip. Wtf was with that guy spamming reviews in October?
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 44 . 10/4/2019
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 43 . 10/4/2019
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 42 . 10/4/2019
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 41 . 10/4/2019
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 40 . 10/4/2019
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 39 . 10/4/2019
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