Reviews for Big, Big Mistake
popcorncaul chapter 8 . 5/5
I seriously hate Peyton and find her too selfish to be a good mom to Keith. She won’t be honest. Doesn’t care to fix and is “busy” at work doing what? She has very little guilt. For CHAPTERS.

She had so many chances.

She keeps making up more excuses to LIE to Lucas and her son.

•All that is left is for her to sign the form and fill in Keith's surname, all the other information has already been completed. She sighs and fills in the last piece of the form. It now reads Keith Lawrence Sawyer.

It isn't supposed to be this way.•

Because she made it this way! Shame shame
I hope Lucas asked for joint custody and for her to rewrite the baby’s birth certificate.

Ch 9: She knows Luvas was weeks and weeks away from his son. Why is she acting like he had the chance to be full time dad? She just had to fuck him up twice and then fuck him while lying about paternity. Unless you wipe Dan’s abandonment you can’t realistically have Lucas as a character forgive.

Why is Brooke moving this fast? She’s probably on lust again. I don’t think I really want Lucas with Peyton after. He will forgive for his son but he shouldn’t be with her. I’m a huge LP fan but he deserves better.

*********I wish the last 5 chapters were rewritten and she told him when she learned. Not one second later. She TOOK away all his choices and she made her son lose protect herself. The only fault with Lucas is him wordlessly asking her out and not talking, I just found this avoidable and she hurt him by omitting truth for days eeeks year. TOO DAMN LONG now it’s his fault he called her out?

** Maybe you will consider rewriting if you ever update. I see why you were stuck because keeping the lie going blocked a good story and your writing up to it was great.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/3
I think you wrote you can .The reveal was little too late. She had 1.5 years. I can't get past Peyton's shitty choices and constant mistakes to lie and lie and lie. Everyone told her from Derek to Naley Brooke tell him she refused and she is solely responsible for losing him and separation father/son, Just sick of the 444777Th Peyton hides the fact she and Lucas have a baby fanfic. Yet is his OTP?! How ? Why? She has to hate him and her child to do it I don't really see any justification.

Does she really believe the shit she said that LL have nothing to do with her and her lies? She can't have it both ways, she kept running and using him with Keith (breastfeeding and Lindsey walks in) and then to say now oh I didn't want you to make choices and do it for baby. She wasn't doing it for those reasons, it was all for selfish reasons knowing it outs her as a liar and as a home wrecker. Pure selfishness. He should have had the truth to make best decision but she took that away and deprived him of time with his son. The first might be forgivable the second? For a guy like Lucas legitimately I don't see how he gets over it. Don't buy it!

She is lucky he said I can't do this and didn't say you are heartless and I hate you.
Jayjayha chapter 8 . 9/25/2019
I'm hoping the least she can do for Lucas is call and get the forms redone and put his name on the burst certificate

I don't understand how she spent SO much time with him and was not feeling guilty by the lies. I just don't understand and she could have told him if she wanted. The interruptions were easy outs she took. She was putting herself first not her baby.

How is she taking responsibility for lying a yr plus when she is (rightfully) blaming Lindsey mess but still kept the truth far long during his divorce, after.

She kissed him, still lying
Had sex again still lying

So she really was going to tell him but accidentally slept with him again? I can't believe her words. He is feeling betrayed and she needs to let him feel that and ask for forgiveness. She's blaming everything on him when she took the easy way out and kept taking the easy even though she and everyone knew and kept telling her. He feels x3 betrayed loves a child that is not his then she says um he's yours. I just can't see Lucas getting over this... he was willing to trust her/their rel agaub and she admits she's herb lying yr

BS it's not about his divorce she was and is a coward and should have put her baby first and told Lucas.
Jayjayha chapter 9 . 9/25/2019
"If she had come to him so soon after he married Lindsey he probably wouldn't have taken the news of her pregnancy well."

I wish she hadn't started blaming him, he has his blame with Lindsey but here she took the easy selfish way out for herself,

Still HIS choice to make. She waited too long imo there was no reason to wait this long after Lindsay left. She knows how he is about family. It's not like he would have reacted like a Dan sure he would have issues but he wouldn't have reacted that badly to it at the time.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 9 . 8/23/2018
Whoop there it is lol. The cat is finally out of the bag. I don’t think why Peyton think that Lucas was not gonna get pissed - I mean she did have plenty of time to tell him but I guess it’s okay she tells him now. So, Lucas in the words of Maury-“ when it comes to seven months old Keith - you are the father” hahahaha. Well I’m glad she finally grew some balls and told Lucas the truth but I guess he will be mad for a minute. I’m sure deep down he’s elated that Keith is his son. I mean has already feels an attachment towards him anyways. You know what baffles me thou is that Luke never really asked who the father was but I guess that secretly he wanted to be Keith’s dad. I just don’t get how Lucas spends more time with Keith but he couldn’t tell that’s his son smh- I mean everybody else could see it. Anyways, on a happy note congrats to the Bakers nice wedding. I love how you incorporate Peyton’s brother Derek it was nice to see them together in this fic. Idk what’s gonna happen now but Peyton, Lucas said he can’t deal with this as in new found information not that he didn’t want to be with you and Keith. Btw, I was really loving Leyton in these last couple of chapter all the fluff and now some smut it wasn’t well appreciated. Let’s nope Leyton can get through this hurdle and move forward plus I think they have to talk so let’s see what happens next... Please please please please update ASAP..
CCLP4lyphe chapter 8 . 8/23/2018
Wow- well thank you Nathan for that. It’s about time someone called Lucas out for acting like a daddy which he is but I’m just saying lol. I mean idk why Leyton thinks their fooling anyone but it’s just gonna abe hilarious when the truth comes out. Well glad to know man face Lindsey decided not to talk half of everything Lucas have lol. I mean she should’ve taken everything with his dumb self lol. Congrats to Brulian and the upcoming nuptials- I’m happy for Brooke she deserves to be happy after everything. I like that Naley is about to have another baby but omg things are about to real ethic for the SCOTT CLAN. Ok so eight chapters and Lucas still don’t know he’s the father smdh lol. I can’t until Lucas finds out FINALLY that’s he’s the father. It’s gonna be explosive I feel - but let’s see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 7 . 8/23/2018
Okay- please tell why is Peyton condelaying telling Lucas the truth - I mean how long will she take when Keith’s fucking 30. Like seriously Peyton you are annoying me with this I can’t tell him crap. She needs to stop stalling because the longer she takes the harder it will be. I know by the time she tells Luke he’s gonna be hella pissed at her and she has no one to blame but herself. I’m with Haley and Brooke Peyton needs to stop procrastinating and tell Luke already. Idk now because he’s left and idk when he will be back. So Luke is getting a divorce big effing deal - idk why is Peyton acting so surprised like she never knew that was coming. She knows how Lucas is with fatherhood especially seeing how he and Dan were. Peyton I love you but honey bunches of oats you need to let Luke know or he’ll take Keith to NO and talk to him ASAP. I know Luke is gonna be angry that everyone knows but him. It’s kinda fucked up in a way thou. Let’s see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 6 . 8/23/2018
Oh I love. Rookie and her antics sometimes lol. I love how she always finds some sort of way to make Leyton be together. I love how much time Karen is spending with Keith and omg Larry surprising Peyton for Christmas is oh so sweet. I know Larry may too suspect that Lucas is the father but he remain silent for now I guess. Now onto Lucas - idk why he married Lindsey and why Lindsey stay with a guy who doesn’t even acknowledge her hahahaha. Like girl Luke been calling out Peyton name in his sleep and when you guys have sex oh no - it’s time for you to go mami lol. It’s obvious that Luke don’t give a fuck about you. I think it’s time for Lucas to serve Lindsey with some annulment papers like yesterday lol. Lindsey girl - your time has expired ba byeeeee lol. I can’t wait for Lucas to know he’s Keith daddy maybe he can make his decision move along faster and divorce man face Lindsey once and for all. Let’s see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 5 . 8/23/2018
Oh my gawd- I knew the moment Karen held Keith she would immediately knows he’s Lucas’. But I also knew she would be understanding of why Oeyton kept it a secret. I was dying when Haley was cursing out poor Luke. I find this situation wired but I think it’s so cool that Luke was there for her birth ( thank goodness Brooke couldn’t make it) and that he have that bond with his son even if he doesn’t know per se that Keith in his. I wonder what Nathan is gonna say when he finds out and omg when Luke finds out it probably gonna be either super angry or super calm odd but it should be interesting. I kinda love Lucas is heavily involved in Keith’s life already it’s kinda sweet- especially since he doesn’t correct the nurses that Keith is not his lol. I hope Peyton tells Luke he’s the father because it’s been long overdue. Let’s see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 4 . 8/23/2018
Oh wow yea the baby is coming. But hold on I can’t believe Peyton went through the whole pregnancy and still haven’t told Lucas he’s the father- as much as I love Peyton I dislike that she hid the truth from him for so long. I guarantee you Lucas is gonna not take the news well because she had a plethora of time to disclose that information to him. I hope she has a boy or girl I mean either will suffice lol. I just want the baby to be healthy. I love how you make Lucas be involved in the baby’s journey without knowing he’s the father. I would love to see Peyton going in labor and ask for Luke in the delivery room and then in her angry state tell him “ you did this to me”- omg that would be so funny. I also like that Brooke and Julian are getting closer - I like Brulian. I just don’t understand thou how Lucas and Lindsey married but it’s like their relationship is non existence lol. I mean wtf they even got married fornin the first place smdh. I love how Lucas is so worried about Peyton and the baby but I want to know when will he finally find out. Let’s see how this goes.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 3 . 8/23/2018
Oh wow- I loved what Brooke and Haley did for Peyton. That baby shower was so sweet and I adore how much everyone came out and support her. I’m kinda wondering why no one hasn’t asked Peyton where is the baby father but I think everyone might suspect that Luke maybe the baby’s father at least I hope so lol. Omg when Karen was talking to Peyton I was like awww you can see how much she adore her and wishes she was her daughter in law and not man face Lindsey. Btw it was hella funny to watched Lindsey stew over the fact that Karen will never have that relationship with her like she has with Peyton lol. I was like girl bye idk why she’s even at Peyton’s baby shower - but I guess she thought yea Peyton is knocked up by some random dude and she thank God it’s not Lucas. Boi, is she in for a rude awakening lol I can’t wait till Lucas find out he’s the baby daddy. Btw- jealous Lucas gives me life yasss- I don’t fathom thou why he’s mad at Peyton for dating Julian when he’s fucking married to another when he claims he’s in love with Peyton smh- but hey that’s classic Lucas hahahaha. Love it. Oh and Larry coming home was the cherry on top. It was so amazing. Can’t wait to see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 2 . 8/23/2018
So first - oh my gawd Julian is here lol. I like Julian he’s funny and kinda cocky. I hope that he doesn’t do anything to make the situation worst thou but idk maybe Julian doing this movie wil bring Leyton closer together. I can’t believe Lucas married Lindsey like how? What? Why? Lol. I also can’t believe that Peyton didn’t tell Lucas he’s the father I mean I know it hurt that he with Lindsey but she needs to tell him the truth. Lol Mia is too funny but I love her and Peyton in this fic there good together. I know Brooke is so eager to know the gender but maybe Peyton could do a gender reveal party or something. I know that Naley might be surprise when Peyton tells them the baby’s father is Lucas but idk how Lucas is gonna react because ilhe might get super pissed at Peyton. This should be fun lol.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Oh my gawddd. This is so effed up - idk what’s gonna happen now because this is a very sticky situation. I hope when Peyton dontell Lucas he won’t flip out. I mean at the end of the day they both did what they did so now they have to deal with this. I feel for Peyton and how she’s gonna have to expalin to Haley and Brooke that’s she pregnant for Lucas when she never told them she slept with him. Oh this should be real interesting I tell ya- but yassss honey bunches of oats I’m here for the drama. Lol Mia is something else but at least she’s there with Peyton ya know. Let’s see how this will unfold because when Lucas finds out it’s probably gonna be explosive lol. But I hope he’s steps up and apologize to Peyton and let her know he was just in his feeling and that he doesn’t hate her. Can’t wait to see what happens...
Guest chapter 9 . 2/26/2018
I know its been a while since you have updated, but please find the inspiration to finish this story.
kit147 chapter 9 . 1/1/2018
Any chance of you finishing this story?
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