Reviews for Random Acts
W chapter 37 . 10/12/2019
I don’t know how many times I’ve read your stories, but I never get tired of them/thank you
Guest chapter 37 . 8/12/2019
Awesome, awesome story! More if possible.
Kamui Nephlite chapter 37 . 2/12/2019
Absolutely beautiful story
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
Goldenbassets chapter 37 . 9/19/2017
Ahh the mistletoe and the ring! Oh the tears are falling!

I loved this story so much!
Goldenbassets chapter 4 . 9/19/2017
Oh Kitty! *Sobs* I will take you home!
babydoll.MK21 chapter 37 . 3/10/2017
aweeeeeeeee i love this story it's my favorite story of all time :D
KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun chapter 37 . 2/21/2016
;-; awwwwwwwit's so cute and sweet
mountainman110 chapter 37 . 2/5/2016
Wow. Well put together story. Nice plot throughout!
nannygirl chapter 37 . 1/18/2016
Finally made it over here to read the last chapter of this incredible story. I kept putting it off because I wasn’t ready for the story to end just yet lol but now I’m really glad that I read it! It was an amazing end that fit PERFECTLY!

The first scene of the chapter was really nicely done and you could feel the warmth of that Christmas day, everyone at the Forman house having a good time. I loved hearing about Red’s version of a Norman Rockwell Christmas, siting in his chair full of food, and his house full of kids and most importantly Kitty being there. After all just last Christmas she was in that retirement home with a little table top tree, I’m thinking this year Red got her the biggest one on the lot! Wonderful next scene with Jackie and Lydia putting themselves in charge of washing dishes, a great image of the two friends talking about babies and men while they washed and dried. And then Hyde comes by, yay! Always great to see him and I’m especially glad that Hyde came by for Christmas with his family in Point Place. Also really loved reading Lydia’s thoughts on meeting THE Steven Hyde, how he was nice but not like Eric who she’s sure is a much better fit for Jackie and in this story like many of your others, it’s very true! Also really liked the part with her thinking about Eric and Taylor and how they were alike too but Taylor lately had just been really nervous about being a dad. Loved the next part with Hyde seated at the table with all of the familiar foods. You did a fabulous job in writing those details, made me sort of hungry too! And his thoughts on how The Forman house was home to Steven Hyde was really sweet, I’m really glad that even though he’s traveling all over the place these days it’s The Forman house he’ll always consider home. A really cute moment when Jackie stops by the table to thank Hyde. That was a really sweet moment and shows how mature they’ve both become, and I loved Hyde’s sort of confusion at the whole exchange lol, could see it perfectly!

Really loved hearing how great this Christmas was for Kitty. She had her whole family and friends there with her. Of course Laurie couldn’t be there but Skipper was sort of there in her place. If not a little symbol that reminded Kitty that her daughter was becoming a changed person. The greetings between Hyde and The Formans was really sweet two, again I’m glad he came home for the holiday. Marvelous work on the whole part with the passing out the gifts. You could feel the excitement and good time that everyone was having, heck you could practically hearing the ripping of wrapping paper! The part with Red’s gift made me smile, with Eric tossing it to him and then Red being surprised that the gift was from Kitty with the help of some of her helpers. Sounds like Jackie got a lot of nice gifts too, great description of her new gloves, they sound lovely but they aren’t ‘THE GIFT’ loved that! I think we all knew what THE GIFT she was hoping for was. And from the hidden winks and glances between the Forman family, that were so cute, it sound like she could be getting it! Loved how Eric sort of tricks Jackie into getting out of the living room by asking her to help him get a gift he has left in the trunk, which is not exactly a lie. Him saying it was for Kitty was good thinking too, he knows that Jackie would do whatever she could to make his mom happy and that might be one of the many things that he loves about her. Loved the really cute image of Eric taking her hand before pulling her out of the room.

Then the next scene LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVED it! It was so incredibly written! So cute and romantic and something you could see playing out like a scene in a movie! The first details being about the falling snow were wonderfully done, really helps set the scene and I loved how you mentioned the flakes were sticking to Jackie’s hair and shoulders as she waits for Eric to find the ‘forgotten’ gift hoping she doesn’t turn into a Jackie popsicle lol Terrific exchange when Eric announces that he’s found it and Jackie is eager to get back inside until Eric explains it’s not for his mom, its for her and then everything changes. LOVELOVELOVED this line here: “Jackie gulped as the small gift was pressed into her hand. "I'm not an expert at presents but I think you'll like this and I know you don't already have one like it." Jackie’s gulp is cute and I absolutely adored Eric’s words about how he thought she’d like it and that she didn’t have one like it. The excitement and suspense as Jackie opened the box and found the ring box was so wonderfully done! Loved how Eric reached over to grab it and then lowered himself onto *one* knee in the *snow* that is just so gosh darn romantic! Simply adore that image you created there! And Jackies’ reaction while she’s seeing all this was BRILLIANT! LOVED IT SO MUCH! It was all so Jackie, the excitement of the moment, hearing music playing and the Sound of Music song too! That was awesome and totally Jackie! Oh! And the ring was on a piece of mistletoe! Jackie really did get her Christmas wish, and of course I just love how you tied in the Red and Kitty mistletoe into the proposal too :D Aw and the way Jackie was so happy she couldn’t find her voice and could only nod her head yes over and over was adorable! Loved the hug that followed too, “Eric's smile never dimmed as she grabbed him into a huge hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he could feel her smiling against his chest. He murmured against her hair, "I'll take that as a yes?" AWWWWWWW! And of course the moment got even better when Eric looks up and sees that by everyone is watching on from inside the kitchen, Kitty with her camera, Red smiling Lydia bouncing and even Hyde is giving his approval. So sweet! Loved how Eric eaves back before kissing Jackie. Can’t tell you how much I would LOVE to see this scene on TV!

Fabulous next scene over at Eric’s work. I loved how we got to see a little glimpse at what was going on over there since it had been a big part of the beginning of the story too. Eric’s not the principal , yay! And Jackie’s the school’s print vendor too! Nice to see their jobs allow them to work together sometimes. This time Jackie is the one to give Eric a gift in a jewelers box, loved the exchange just before Eric opens it, wondering if whatever is inside will bite lol. What’s inside though turns out to be a house key! But the message is sot of lost on Eric lol, but Jackie is willing to explain, it’s to a key to the condo she wants them to buy together. Their first home together…aww! Eric looks to be just as excited with his gift as Jackie was with hers, btw loved the detail of Jackie’s ring sparkling in the office. Really wonderful stuff! Then Jackie’s words here: “"Someday we are going to get married and give your mom those grand-kids you talked about. Not today…but some day.” Aww that was so sweet and what a wonderful kiss that followed too!

And then we get closer to the end of the story *sniffle* it’s almost over *snifflesniffle* but it was written so beautifully with all those some days. I’m really happy that each and every one of those Some days became real days. Loved that Jack was able to walk Jackie down the aisle at her and Eric’s wedding. Aw I loved hearing about when Jackie and Eric showed Kitty the ultrasound picture of her future grandbaby and then that very grandbaby being born and Kitty getting to hold her, aww! And Gina Forman, what an adorable name! I loved too that Kitty shared with BABY Gina the memory book that Jackie had made her. Really sweet. Of course I loved the image of the dad’s, Red, Jack, and John sitting around drinking beer and talking about being grandfathers, sound like they love the new job! And Betsy Kelso being mentioned gives me hope that Kelso himself was doing much better and was allowed to see his daughter much more often. And the last part was such a sweet and very lovely little summary of a simply incredible story of how two people fell in love.

Marvelous work once more! I so loved reading it! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this wonderful story with us! Every chapter was a brilliant one and I think this will definitely be one that I come back to reread from time to time. Incredible work once more! Standing and applauding at this end! Can’t wait to read more from you (gotta catch up on what if soon too!) till then keep up the awesome work!
w chapter 37 . 1/9/2016
I know I've said it before but I love the feelings you put into your stories - Thank You
MistyMountainHop chapter 37 . 1/7/2016
A lovely ending to a story that is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming. I'm so glad Kitty and Red's heath, physical and emotional, has gotten better. They're surrounded by family, and Jackie, Eric, and Hyde all seem to have found peace. Hopefully, everyone in this story has survived the worst, and it's only happiness from here.
badkidoh chapter 37 . 1/7/2016
Another great chapter.
pancake-potch chapter 37 . 1/7/2016
I can't believe it's over! Eric Forman on one knee in the snow is so romantic I wanna punch something
Guest chapter 37 . 1/5/2016
Thank you for another great J & E story!
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