Reviews for The One's Who Almost Got Away
baldcoder chapter 20 . 12/26/2017
Great little story! Very well done. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 21 . 8/31/2017
Love re-reading this story? It's one I read when I miss Peeta!
Guest chapter 21 . 3/22/2017
Great story! I love Jack Jack!
hstrywlk chapter 21 . 7/17/2016
just read the entire thing nonstop todayI finished at 00:21 (am)... I really liked this story! I always feel slightly off reading fics where one or the other (or both) is a single parent from an earlier relationship so it was kind-of wish fulfillment that there was a child with no outside involvement (although I was really worried about the other thing) ... obviously this was a joy to readand I don't recall ever reading a story where I can't count on one hand the number of times bathroom breaks was mentioned! hehe. anyways; thank you for sharing! loved it!
Maddy1014 chapter 21 . 7/10/2016
Very cute story! I love your character Jack!
charlz2606 chapter 21 . 2/21/2016
Any chance of an Epilogue Part 2?
Browniangel chapter 21 . 8/1/2015
I just love your writing, another awesome story. I had a small heartache when I believe that Peeta cheated on Katniss.

My heart went out to Peeta when he happen to come home and see Katniss and find out he has a son. I loved that Finnick was able to give him the best advice and he listen.

How you showed how hard it was for both Peeta and Katniss especially all the misunderstanding between the both of them. Katniss believe that Peeta wanted no part of Katniss and his son life when he had no idea at all. Then Peeta tell Katniss he never cheated on her, it was all a lie.

Katniss did an amazing job raising Jack. Having Jack help her change in the best way. Peeta father being the one to be there for Katniss when she went into labor and helping her keep Jack a secret from Peeta. Yet, letting him be part Jack life.

The most amazing part of this story was Peeta mother, when she finally starred to change and get help. It was such a touching part of this story. To finally have Peeta have a new start with his mother and understand why she was there way she was, loved it.

Jack, was a character that you couldn't help but love. He loved his mom but now he needed his dad in his life. When he started to act out just like any child would do when he can't express what he feeling. Jack also went through a lot from finding out Peeta was his father, to find out Peeta father is his grandfather and having cousin, was a great part.

Thank you for Peeta not losing his leg. If it wasn't for that hike and Peeta getting hurt. Sadly Peeta had to get hurt in order for Katniss to understand her feelings for Peeta. Love that Katniss grandfathered guided Gale and Finnick to them...Again another awesome story, Peeta and Katniss are married one happy family and Jack going to be a big brother.
sonya.vasquez chapter 21 . 7/25/2015
Awesome thank you for writing this touching story. Thank you for Jack.
sonya.vasquez chapter 17 . 7/25/2015
I went from excitement about buttercup to tears at the end of this is all I can say.
sonya.vasquez chapter 6 . 7/24/2015
6 chapters in, I know I will get very little work today. So glad to read another amazing story. I wont even look at the reviews I want to be surprised.
NotCurrent chapter 21 . 5/10/2015
Amazing :)!
insidejokepartyof1 chapter 21 . 3/20/2015
So I just finished reading your story and I really enjoyed it. That was really messed up what glimmer did to Peeta. Though it is good that she came clean with him. Peeta's mother is always something else. Though I find it interesting how different she can be written. What a way for the little man to find out Peeta is his Daddy. That was nice th bit on the Nunnehi and how Gale and Finnick were given assistance in finding Peeta and Katniss. And the mountain lion being buttercup? lol I would love to read about the family trip to Disney *hint hint*. I know I am forgetting to comment about something...but I can't recall what at the moment.
christyjosh4eva chapter 21 . 1/23/2015
Omg this was such a cute story! I loved it! Little jack was adorable always wanting his daddy so cute! Aww! :) and peeta and katniss getting back together was awesome cuz they are perfect together and love each other very much! Yay for baby #2! Very exciting! When peeta got hurt I was so scared I thought at first that he was gonna lose his leg! I was like no not again! Thank goodness that didn't happen! So very good job! I really enjoyed reading it!
inmyfavor chapter 13 . 1/21/2015
I miss Jack fast speaches, they are fun to read and sweet.
I like that he has to earn katniss trust again, even if he didnt really cheat. Still enjoying this story, a lot :)
Peetabreadgirl chapter 10 . 1/15/2015
What cute chapter! Love that they got to visit. Was kinda hoping for a little kissy-kissy but I guess I'll have to wait for the next weekend, huh? ;)
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