Reviews for Fix You
javidroschel chapter 34 . 7/14
Amazing, just amazing. Love how detailed and thought-out this fan fic was. Definitely one of my favorites, the arc involving Marco was also a nice touch as well
darklover chapter 34 . 6/10/2019
This has been a great story. You did a great job of writing it.

The Marco storyline was interesting. He really got on my nerves. The way you handled his exit was unexpected lol

I applaud you for the way you handled the planning of this story.

I understand what you mean about wanting to take your time in writing a story. I think the pacing was fine throughout most of the story. It's just towards the end it was a bit problematic. I mean, I felt like Ross and Rachel were slow on reacting to their feelings despite their physical intimacy. I would have like more of an introspective into their thoughts as they interacted with each other. At the same, I do understand the hesitancy from both of them to move want to move forward.

Anyway, the ending was perfect.
Guest chapter 34 . 12/19/2018
I love u. That is all i can say
Guest chapter 34 . 10/16/2018
DG and Reed chapter 34 . 4/12/2018
Aw, I wish this could’ve been the result of the show. It would have made Ross more likable and much more earnable of sympathy. Regardless, Ross and Rachel were able to get through the obstacles!
Roschel4ever chapter 34 . 4/4/2018
Perfection. The best Fan fiction there is, period.
Guest chapter 34 . 2/18/2018
That was the most beautiful thing I've ever read. I only recently binged Friends for the first time - yeah I can't believe I missed out on it all those years - and I'm still coping with the fact that we will never see Ross and Rachel's happiness unfold on screen. I'm happy they gave us the happy end the characters and we deserved but it left a hole in me that no amount of reruns could ever fill.

Your story was so engaging I lost myself in it completely, cried along, had heart pounding along with both characters and couldn't stop reading. I spent an entire afternoon reading it in one session and I'm so glad that I stumbled on it after you finished as it would've been horrible to wait to years to experience the ending. It was so good. It's a pity that you won't write anymore although I can imagine how much work you had to put it in your free time to keep it so engaging and on the same quality level.

Even more so than the main story your epilog gave me so much closure, you can't even imagine how much it helped letting go of my ache for more Ross and Rachel. It drove me crazy.

Thank you so much for this and take care! :)
Cris chapter 19 . 12/9/2017
Hola desde el futuro. Nada más vengo a informarte que este no será tu último fanfic
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2017
So stupid me did not realize until today that we did not need an account to review (only got into reading fanfiction a couple years back after binging Friends on netflix and being so frustrated with some of the R&R plotlines)
I wish i had known at the time you posted the last few chapters of this story. I had read it before, years later to my surprise you continued it and i randomly found it (while trying to get a fix). You don't know how happy that made me and how often i checked for updates. I almost reached out to you on twitter after the finale just to congratulate you on finishing and giving us a brilliant R&R fanfiction. I really wanted you and especially fix you to be my first fanfiction review. I enjoyed all your stories and most deserved more reviews. It's amazing how you progressed as a writer and an english speaker, even though the same soul runs in all your stories.
For some odd reasons, there is a resurgence of R&R fanfiction lately, it's awesome. Yet, it made me nostalgic about the old writers: you, tina, knilb, imaginewhatif, mitcivnoihsaf and 2good2betrue among my favorites. FriendsEnthusiast has taken the torch, I hope you guys get to check out her stories.
Best wishes for your life post friends and friends fanfiction... Thanks for the countless hours of R&R joy!
Titanic-Talc-Lindsay chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
Thanks for this beautiful story!
Fatyethot chapter 34 . 5/20/2017
Thnx 4 d beautiful fanfic abt Roschel. I really hope u write another one coz u're really a great writer. I luv all ur fanfic stories abt Rachel & Ross. If u do get to write another fanfic, could u pls. do it w/ Rachel & Chandler as d leading characters. I luv them also as a couple.
romeosami7 chapter 19 . 4/27/2017
okay, she cheated on him and now he is apologizing for offending the person with she cheated on him. fuck logic.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/16/2017
hi i know i was a little to late for this..but i was reading your story since yesterday and i was so hook on it..

i love the story..and i hate marco so looking forward to finish reading this one..and will definitely read some of your other stories..

ooohhh and also i love how you leave a message before and after of every feels like your talking to your reader personally...

thanks again for this wonderful story...
Huggsy6 chapter 34 . 10/6/2016
Love it! Great story
Guest chapter 34 . 9/13/2016
This was really beautiful! I love Rach and Ross so so much!
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