Reviews for Naruto: Tenshi
West Dragon chapter 2 . 8/20
There a cleaner ways to break to a time skill then to simply say "TIMESKIP", I'm not gonna give suggestion on how because that's for you to develop, but just saying it in case you hadn't thought of it before
PenNam chapter 6 . 10/29/2019
I really appreciate this site and its brilliant writers. However, you really need someone to beta your work. It's extremely difficult to read and follow.
MysticRising chapter 9 . 6/20/2019
Idk about angel beats, but arent inner spirits and shinkai and shit from bleach. Irk of any other anime using sentient magic swords (also, naruto is skilled, no questions, but as with all weapon users is he competent without a weapon? I say we should see some of that)
TechnoGalen chapter 2 . 6/13/2019
And you keep this dead.
TechnoGalen chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
To The Guest Below-

Don't you EVER use Lord Christs name again.
Monster King chapter 9 . 5/22/2018
Great story I really liked it a shame that you gave up on it.
HadoFoxGodAsashi chapter 5 . 3/13/2017
Kishimoto loving pussy.
JesusChrist chapter 9 . 3/11/2017
This story is actually pretty good if i were to be honest. The plot is original (and not cliche) and definitely interesting so good job on that. The whole plot itself deserves the praise that it gets. Its just so original and refreshing. and i like how in this story narutos family became the uchihas, which makes me happy you didnt killed them off. This is pretty much the first fanfic that made me hate on minato and kushina soo much INCLUDING narumi. God shes such a bitch. Anyways writing wise is okay, your grammar is decent and understandable. Tho my only problem in this fanfic is that it tends to leave out many important topics/dialogue that should have been addressed in the earlier chapters such as how naruto would interact with the uchiha clan and basically his new family. because of that it made me imagining naruto with the uchihas a little bit unreal, i wish you would have expanded on the thought on how the uchihas and naruto opened up on one another, i dont know if you were being lazy on writing it or you just forgot about it entirely, because it would have been a great character development on naruto himself on how to cope with the loneliness and how the uchihas comforted him, just insert in a few dialogues on each members especially on mikoto and fugaku on how they accepted naruto in the family. , not just summarizing it all in all, cuz it kind of loses the meaning on how important the uchihas and kanade are for naruto. So please just expand on the relationship between the uchihas, kanade, and naruto cuz it felt rather short for my liking and it IS an important part in the story as i have seen so far. I mean i was expecting for the whole uchiha/naruto family be like the center of this story and occupy like a 3rd of the current chapters before it proceeds to missions. Flaws aside im really glad i stumbled on this story. I hope you would keep on updating! Good luck!
PinkiePieParty122894 chapter 9 . 2/11/2017
I love this I can't wait to read what happens next.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/8/2017
Dark.Lord0 chapter 9 . 11/14/2016
Please Update
rhizz17 chapter 9 . 6/14/2016
update please
Silvereye-BW chapter 9 . 5/5/2016
Awesome. Can't wait for more.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/23/2016
So where's his bloody fucking Shikai!?

Will he get Bankai at end of CHunin Exams?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/17/2016
Cliche naruto fic with abit of change here and there? Its ok not great thou could be better
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