Reviews for Saving Grace
ATD chapter 7 . 8/2/2015
New reader here; actually I spent all of last night trying to read through all your stories. ; So I mean it very much when I say your my new favorite Jerza author. I'm still not done reading through everything, but I just wanted to say I think you've nailed their personalities wonderfully, and that I look forward to each new chapter you post.
- A
amnaK96 chapter 7 . 7/15/2015
Hahaha, as long as her husband isn't named Simon- I'm good, girl! X") I'm so sorry, but I just hate his guts! D"X His attraction to Erza irks me- it's not good to talk bad about the dead, but screw em! I'm glad we got rid of him in the series! X")
This chapter was missing one element- it ended too quickly for me! I wanted to keep reading moorrreee! Gaah, I love the plot so damn much, so far so good, and now you've thickened and intensified everything a tenfold! We've still to have Erza and Jellal interact some more- however that shall be arranged quite quickly; now that she's thinking of repaying him for repairing her bike! I can't wait for the upcoming chapters! Great job with this chapter- you always mange to make each chapter very story-packed, and we're always left with that cliff-hanger that has us clinging to the ravishing curiosity of what is to come next! :D
I highly look forward to the next chapter, I hope for some more Jerza! For some reason, Erza seems a bit detached every time Jellal opens up a bit- perhaps she's not allowing herself to feel attracted to another man after losing her husband?! Yet she keeps feeling strongly for Jellal, but then when she's approachable; we see Jellal hindering to speak!
And I would want to see some interaction between Jellal, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Erza- we haven't seen too much of Team Natsu, it'd be nice to get some playful bickering between the guys! X") I love Gray's relationship with Erza- so that'd be an interesting scenario to read about!
Lol, you keep us guessing who the husband is, and what really happened to him?! Erza should just get over him- she's young, hot and stunningly beautiful- with a gorgeous and smokin' hunk of a blue-headed man within her grasps! What better second chance at love could a girl ask for?!
Good luck Aero, I hope you post again soon- lol, girl you're on a roll here! xD So many updates in such a short time, I absolutely love it! I'm always ecstatic when I get inboxes on your updates! Stay rockin'!
guest chapter 6 . 7/14/2015
ah nice developments there! letting him in her personal life...and that "husband", could see that coming aha bc the ship can either be erzaxsimonxjellal or minus the simon and with ultear. but the story seemed to be focusing on the jerza( jellal especially) so lower possibilities to have others involved lol. thanks for the update! ;p totally made my day!
Moonghost49 chapter 6 . 7/11/2015
THAT WAS SNEAKY. Seriously though, I did not see that coming...
Please keep up the good work, I completely love this
Deathgod10 chapter 6 . 7/9/2015
... Okay that just blew me off
Made me feel a bit awkward that now jellal is going to like a widow. And seeing erza talking to the ashes of her husband shows that she is still attached to her husband. Is it simon?
But it was a nice chapter and welcome back its been a long time
Narsa chapter 6 . 7/9/2015
ohhhhh... I feel cheated...kind of it my sound a little mean but

i'm glad he's dead
amnaK96 chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
Ooohh, you sneaky badass of a writer! I was NOT expecting such a predicament; however when you started hinting at it, I was contemplating whether to actually believe it- such a bombshell of shock you then dropped off on us! X"O
I wonder how Jellal will react to this news?! Erza's a bit messed up by it, I think she's somewhat in denial that her husband is really gone out of her life. I wonder who he was?! Or perhaps you will leave it anonymous?! How'd he pass away?! Just please, PLEASE, don't let it be Simon! T_T Erza deserves a better person to have been married to than him omg! But you were very clever with the husband situation none-the less!
I can't wait to see how these two will act around each other now that things have been cleared. Jellal won't be so distant and reluctant anymore, would he?! And I hope to know more about Erza, her family and her past! Superb chapter once again Aero, the plot of this fanfic is amazing!
Btw, I think you've mistakenly typed down "Jellal", instead of "Seigrain" at the top somewhere- when Cana tells Gajeel and Levy that she needs to show "Seigrain" someplace! Just a heads up! X)
Good luck, I hope you get the time and inspiration to keep giving us such awesome chapters!
Ash Lite chapter 6 . 7/8/2015 that was unexpected. I had expected her husband maybe really sick, or paralyzed or maybe some other deadly disease. I have no words. Also, I found Erza's behavior to this a bit strange. But of course, its still really cool! Keep up this brilliant work and update soon! :D
Guest chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
I gotta admit the way you introduced her husband was soo unexpected
you really a talent writer please continue :D its amazing story
todorky chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
Lol I knew he was dead.
But a while ago, I really thought that Erza's husband will actually look like Jellal as well.
Thank you so much for the update! You made my day.
Sakom Raiya chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
Me right now: O_O... XD...-_-...XD...:o...O_O wut? I need some weed :v
Catndhat chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
Well at least Erza's free to marry Jellal. I actually that her husband was really, really sick. Like dying. Or paralyzed.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23/2015
This chapter was amazing. I must read the next one. Please update as soon as possible
wordslinger chapter 5 . 6/14/2015
So ffn's mobile site makes me want to pull my hair out and cry tears of blood but I've finally managed to login. I spent the better part of my day reading most of your posted stories and you're amazing and I want to bake you muffins. If you like muffins. Safe muffins and not stalky ones. Anyway this is fantastic and I am looking forward to being less confused!
Louise24Zoldyck chapter 5 . 6/8/2015
I hope that the next chapter cannt take too long
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