Reviews for Spiritual Revolution
rinlynn26 chapter 4 . 6/17/2017
I know its been years but please update this story is amazing one of my favorites
sanjifanforever chapter 4 . 6/19/2016
I'm really liking this story! I recently just started watching Fairy Tail and Loke is my favorite character.

P.s: I know it's been two years, but I really hope you'll update it!
Lucy H chapter 4 . 7/29/2015
Again- I love this story so much. I'm so sad to see that it hasn't been updated for over a year. :( This is an incredibly good story, with tons of potential and I hope you come back to it and update soon! I especially love that you addressed Loke's relationship with the guild. He WAS a guild member for three years, and so he must have been a valued member and friend to eveyone, but I rarely see that mentioned in stories and in canon. So I was really happy with the parts with Levy at the guild! I just love every part of this story, you write Loke so well and he is my favorite character of all time so it makes me super happy. Please update soon! I'm on mobile and I'm not logged in but my fanfiction username is Lushi, so please feel free to message me any time you like!
Lucy H chapter 3 . 7/29/2015
Okay, this is amazing. I'm totally in love with this story. Your characterization of Lucy and Loke is spot on (and everyone's characters are spot on as well). I'm so happy I found this story. I'm a huge fan of the pairing Loke and Lucy and I hope that's where this story is heading but even if it's not, I love this story. It's interesting and captivating and you're a great writer. You're also very good at writing Loke's character, it's so hard to find a story where Loke isn't misunderstood. Thank you for this!
Lucy H chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
I love this so much so far! I'm so incredibly happy to see a Loke-centered fic. I love his character and I feel like he isn't appreciated as much as he deserves. Thank you for writing a story about Loke's character, it's really good so far.
AroVolturi chapter 4 . 2/1/2015
PLLEEEEASE update this! OMG it's amazing. You're a phenomenal writer.
Bellsness chapter 4 . 11/9/2014
hi! I like very much your seems very interesting. I am curious to read the suite.
Good work! See you soon.
please excuse my little english , I'm a frensh and I whrite and speak a very bad english but I understand it well...Normally
Lolly1o1 chapter 4 . 5/29/2014
I absolutely love this story!
Wysteria Starfyre chapter 4 . 4/30/2014
Great Chapter! I look forward to more!
Hopefully soon. :)
Wysteria Starfyre chapter 3 . 4/27/2014
So Far this is very interesting! I can't wait to read more, hopefully soon!
Great job, keep up the good work! :)
Saephiel chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
This seems pretty interesting, I'm curious to see where this will go.