Reviews for Mermaids Curse
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 1 . 5/9
Spelling mistake in your description. You wrote stubble, but obviously mean stumble.
Ayomide chapter 17 . 11/9/2018
O.M.G d story is a boom,men i reali luv it up
Jessicaaaa.Bel chapter 17 . 10/21/2015
This was a wonderful little bit of fiction. Thank you for writing and I look forward to taking a look at your sequel.
hermonine chapter 17 . 9/17/2015
great story
angel897 chapter 17 . 7/8/2015
liked it interesting to read
Peach Kebab chapter 7 . 4/4/2015
so cute x
The Jingo chapter 17 . 3/18/2015
What an utterly odd story.

I liked it.
GachaGachaGirl chapter 17 . 1/2/2015
Lol Fili is hilarious
GachaGachaGirl chapter 2 . 1/1/2015
So cute so far, love the description of Amara
yourpenmate chapter 17 . 12/26/2014
this is actually such a well written story. the way your story was written reminds me of the way the book is written ahah. it's so adorable and it kept me reading non-stop. i reckon thorin's character was spot on.
well done!
Katie Moon chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
This story is adorable and perfect.
wearethewitches chapter 17 . 9/13/2014
Awesome. Never seen anyone pull off the confused alien mermaid falling in love properly before.
PlaidPajamas01 chapter 17 . 8/19/2014
Wonderful end to a wonderful story! On to the sequel!
Hekora chapter 17 . 7/18/2014
I absolutely love your story. The way amara behaves is just so funny. I nearly dropped to the floor laughing when she found out that soap doesn't taste as good as it smells :-P
Well done!
Bluu6293 chapter 17 . 7/11/2014
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