Reviews for No Escaping Him - Uncensored
TvIsForever chapter 47 . 5/25
Yay the twins are here! And Liv’s a natural
mschero chapter 49 . 5/24
Woooow. Just.. woooow! I just don't know what to say...there aren't any words to describe just how amazing this fic is and what this version of Olitz means to me. I know I am 4/5 yrs late to the party but... Woooow. I cried with them, I laughed with them, I hurt with them, I lived vicariously through them, and I loved with them too. This was just amazing...wonderfully excellently written fic. Thank you very much for gifting us with such amazing art and a version of Olitz we wished we could have seen on the screen. I will always cherish this story.
Queen Stowe chapter 24 . 5/10
Fitz is absolutely adorable, so sweet and so perfect for Olivia.
Seeing him nervous for fear of his refusal was special.
I love this man!
MrsHoityToityLady chapter 49 . 5/10
You're truly a wonderful writer. You wrote them true to themselves. Their story was sad, painful and hard yet their commitment to each other did not lessen. They earned their happy ending. If only this could have happened in canon. Instead we got garbage story lines that destroyed something that had so much potential to be epic
Queen Stowe chapter 19 . 5/9
Another great chapter and all I wanted to do was hug Fitz, he doesn't deserve to suffer like that.
Olivia taking care of him remained the most beautiful sight I could have.
Queen Stowe chapter 18 . 5/9
This chapter was just too much, I felt so many mixed emotions and it really hurt me deeply to see Fitz suffering.
Olivia taking care of him was what I needed above all else, it was beautiful.
MrsHoityToityLady chapter 1 . 5/9
I could not understand her leaving then. To leave the man she loves when he suffered such a loss to be with another was so so wrong of her. I've always felt his feelings for her were always much stronger than hers. Season 3 proved it. For her to believe the double agent (Jake) time and again was ridiculous with her being so smart and all.
Queen Stowe chapter 13 . 5/8
I can't stop reading this story, it's becoming an obsession.
Queen Stowe chapter 9 . 5/8
I am devouring this story as if there is nothing else in the world, and I love it.
Just thanks for that.
Queen Stowe chapter 3 . 5/8
Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Olivia Delgado chapter 8 . 3/22
poor fitzy
Olivia Delgado chapter 7 . 3/22
laat ze gewoon seks doen ,ze had ook bijna altijd seks bij scandal als ze ruimt had
Olivia Delgado chapter 3 . 3/22
geweldig stuk thanks
crabapplect chapter 15 . 1/16
Shit is about to get real lol
crabapplect chapter 8 . 1/6
They are making progress
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