Reviews for Soft Spot
Guest chapter 5 . 6/9/2018
Guest chapter 2 . 6/9/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
Guest chapter 7 . 2/19/2017
Hehe, okay so I'm leaving a couple reviews for you tonight huh?
I guess the pacing has leveled itself out. It was at the beginning I was worried about it.

A horrible writer? Eh? No. If you were I would not have made it this far in. I would not have said what I did about your writing. That your narrative was good and all that. Don't get me wrong, you're not Pulitzer prize level writing, but you are from horrible. The fact you dissect your work. The fact you know why you have done something you have in the story (as development for the main pairing, having Natsu's eyes open to things), and that you actually want there to be that development. Trust me, you are not a horrible writer. This is someone who has studied writing at a tertiary level telling you this. You understand writing and that makes me as a reader feel good about what a story will offer. And makes me want to see you grow as a writer, to see how much better you can become.

The only thing, and this isn't bad okay...the content...I guess it's just something too long ago for me to be drawn in by. High school was not exactly recent for me. That is okay, not everyone is going to find interest in a stories content. That doesn't diminish the quality of a story. I will file this story away for now. There may come a time later where I am in the mood for something like this perhaps. Right now though, high school dialogue is not doing it for me. I will see what you else you have to offer.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/19/2017
So Sting is sincere then? Well, Lucky for Lucy.

Now, a critique. Your dialogue. You constantly have one character speaking, but then immediately proceeded by another character's actions. It makes it confusing to the reader on which character is actually speaking. When you have a character's dialogue, it should be followed by that same character's actions.

For example:
"Hey, that's low." Lucy smirked evilly.
"That was payback." Sting leaned back in his chair and eyed her, a smirk forming on his own lips.

The way it is written, it appears that the first line is Lucy's and the second is Sting's, when really it is the other way around. Having full stops after the dialogue does help a bit, however sometimes a character's dialogue is written with the full stop in stead of a comma, depending on what they were saying. So having that full stop isn't necessarily an indication of focus shifting from the person speaking to the other character.
Especially when both characters are smirking. And when you have blocks of dialogue written this way, it becomes hard to follow the narrative.

You really need more saids etc in there i.e: "That was payback," she told him, smirking evilly. Alternatively the smirking evilly can be placed before the dialogue since it seems that is how you want it to go; she smirks, then gives a verbal response.

Other than that you do fine. Using the same examples, it is clear - once knowing who is saying what - what it is that is happening. I visualize Lucy smirking first, then answering with dialogue. So you have no issues there. Narrative is good, it is just the issue mentioned above. Maybe pacing, but the dialogue issue is the concern.

I see you haven't updated this story in a year, and that it has been nearly a year since you have updated anything. I hope you are well and that you return soon. I would like to see where your writing is now compared to a year ago. I also just hope you are well in general.

Now, back to the story.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/19/2017
Okay people on here misunderstand forgiveness.
Don't worry, I know they're just stories and there is a purpose to why things happen. Don't take my comment to heart, this isn't about your story, just the portrayal of forgiveness in FT ff in general. I know stuff is written the way it is for the purpose of the stories plot and all that. I also know a writer is not their characters so none of this is toward you personally at all. No, this is more for any one reading who may think certain things. It's issue I guess.
I just really hope people don't think this is how forgiveness actually works cause holy shit they're gonna die. Right now in the story, Lucy sounds like a freaken idiot. What's that guy who threatened to basically have me raped and beaten? (Saying she will be naked is the implication of being raped in case any one is thinking he never said that. And maybe he didn't mean it that way.) Go on a date with you as your way of saying sorry for threatening all that? Well, okay *girly giggle
If this were reality, she gonna wind up naked and beaten.
Forgiving somebody for something means you don't hold that thing against them any more. It is also something for you so the issue doesn't affect your quality of life. You aren't constantly stewing over it. Forgiving someone does not mean trust is restored like that. It does not mean the thing never happened. You don't forget it, you forgive it. You move passed it. Forgiving them means you are willing to give them a chance to have that trust restored. It isn't immediate "I trust you again", it's a chance for them to have you trust them again. Just another reason why THOSE fics are bad. "I forgive you for ignoring me, kicking me off the team, calling me weak and a slut, and dating my tormentor. Now let's go bone like rabbits." Pffffttt no.
Trust needs to be re-earned. The relationship needs to be rebuilt. Lucy is a forgiving person, yes, but she isn't a moron. She forgave Gajeel but she didn't trust him right off the bat either. She was weary of him and over time both her and Levy built up friendships with him (and more in Levy's case).
So, yeah. Just for any one who takes the way forgiveness is portrayed in fanfiction as how it really works, and thinks that it means going on a date with someone who threatened what Sting did as being okay to do because you forgave them for threatening you. For those who think dating a guy is how you forgive them.
I am really curious to see how this plays out here. Will you make Sting sincere, or will Natsu need to come to the rescue?
Helen chapter 11 . 1/30/2017
Oh no not feelings! What a deadly disease
FlameDragonHime chapter 12 . 10/27/2016
Horny Natsu! Tut, tut...go get her!
Astonished chapter 12 . 10/9/2016
that was...AMAZING
how did you do that it was so good keep it up!
Astonished chapter 7 . 10/9/2016
How dare you say you are a horrible righter that is so stupid you are a great righter and do not say otherwise
KeylacatGixxer5 chapter 12 . 8/22/2016
Okay. I need to stop flying through your stories so fast! Problem is, I can't help it! They are written so well, and the plot line just makes me not want to stop! AHHHH! Anyway, like I said on the last story, It would be really nice if you continued them. These stories really make you sit on the edge of your seat, and leaving this one, and the other I read, on a "going to drive me mad for month" cliffhanger is just cruel! (Of course I mean that in the nicest possible way) Well, I hope all is well, and I hope even more that you might just pick up these stores again!
Everwrote chapter 12 . 8/6/2016
Everwrote chapter 12 . 8/5/2016
Duchixx chapter 12 . 8/2/2016
Ahhhh this is so good I need more ~~~~~
LitBlerd601 chapter 3 . 5/30/2016
Sting is bae on the low though. So...I don't mind. Lol.
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