Reviews for The Colour of the Rain
hi chapter 21 . 1/15/2018
is this story in the collar verse. Can you write in colar verse again
Guest chapter 20 . 6/12/2016
YES! I literally jumped for joy at this.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/11/2016
...I should have listened
MissBates chapter 21 . 1/6/2015
The tone here is exactly right. Even though House is free now, he is still a traumatised man and the people he has to deal with on a daily basis are still bigots. Life won't be unicorns and rainbows just because the collar is gone. Besides, House has never been one to 'look on the bright side of life'. Glad that Wilson got rid of Ayersman; let's hope that the next 'suspect' he hires does a more thorough job on Tritter :) A very fitting ending to a very dark story.
JDow71 chapter 21 . 1/1/2015
He will survive. He has his friends and he ' s got his life back. It's so close to happiness as possible.

Thank you!
And happy New Year!
OldSFfan chapter 21 . 12/31/2014
You captured House's unease, not triumph, exactly right.
CacauHousemaniaca chapter 21 . 12/30/2014
a sad story.
a well-written story.
was very good to read your story, please keep writing other stories.
the phantom222 chapter 21 . 12/30/2014
This is a good ending to a really depressing story. I'm glad House didn't kill Tritter because it shows he has clear moral ethic; something he didn't have towards the end of the show.

I also liked House showing compassion to the young slave. It probably is easier now that he knew what the slave was going through.

Good story overall. Looking forward to seeing more stories from you.
Brighid45 chapter 21 . 12/30/2014
I really like the way you ended this-not a 'happy' ending, but a good one all the same. As House said, he'll survive, and he has good friends to help him too. His decision not to kill Tritter was the right one for more than just the clear moral ethic; killing Tritter would keep him alive in House's mind forever. I also liked the moment of compassion for the young slave. House always had trouble showing his compassion before, but perhaps now he'll be able to do so a bit more, in the right circumstances.

Excellent story. A tough read, but well worth it :)
Visitkarte chapter 21 . 12/30/2014
This is so sad! And House thinking about killing Tritter... It breaks my heart. I love Ayersman being sacked, thiough! Also House bring kind with the slave... Still very depressing. Also hitting very close to home.
Jas565 chapter 20 . 12/27/2014
Very well written story and the ending with House being freed was nice to read.
I think a story with an alternate ending where House doesn't save the patient would be interesting to read also. Looking forward to seeing more stories from you.
CacauHousemaniaca chapter 20 . 12/24/2014
Oh I thought you would create a thriller at the end of this chapter and let the eager readers, but you've already taken the liberty at the end of the chapter.
It was good to follow your fanfiction, they are very good, I hope you keep writing other stories.
I'm sorry if my English is bad
MissBates chapter 20 . 12/23/2014
This chapter was full of drama, but what hit the hardest was Wilson (and the reader) realising that House is conditioned to accept abuse as a given. That may be especially true of this slave 'verse, but it's also true for canon. And there's also another bitter truth hidden in this chapter, namely that our appearance determines how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Here it's clothes (slaves' overall versus 'normal' gear, but substitute 'race' or 'gender' and you've got RL. It's good to see though how hope helps both House and Wilson to fight for House's freedom.
Robin chapter 20 . 12/23/2014
The medical case is from the season 6 episode 'Instant Karma', and I like how you adapted the original story to fit the parameters of your fictional story. I have to admit I half expected Harris to try and renege on his agreement to free House, but it fits that in the end, he doesn't feel slaves are worth fussing over, and as House did save his daughter, it was just easier to be done with him and set him free. I'll be anxious to see what your epilogue is like, how House responds to freedom after such a horrific period in his life. Good story-sometimes very hard to read due to the subject matter, but well-written. Thanks.
OldSFfan chapter 20 . 12/23/2014
As always, House is amazing, and you captured it. Good job, and what a relief!
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