Reviews for This is Vermont
Andros Reader chapter 26 . 7/2
Wow! Liv gave up a friendship b/c she couldn't control who her friend fell for...harsh and stupid.
sillyme816 chapter 26 . 4/24
Is everything okay?
Conwun chapter 26 . 9/6/2019
I just reread this story for the 3rd time. I love it every time. Thanks for writing it. I’m sure you have moved on and it will never be updated, but a girl can dream. Lol.
crabapplect chapter 12 . 8/11/2019
I glad Olivia needs some Mama Pope back up. I'm glad she stood up to her dad and that Chris person. Why would he think she would want to married him when clearly he is her father's image. He don't even know what's wrong in their relationship that is one of the main reason he is not worthly of her love. We all know Fitz will help Olivia with her medication so, Papa Pope won't be able to hold that over her head anymore
crabapplect chapter 8 . 8/9/2019
I like all of them, I glad you gave her a different best friend other than Abby
. Teddy is cute, I like his stupidity about his relationship. I think him and his wife should find a comman ground and work it out for the best. start to see each other in a different light. Teddy and Olivia are going to be good friends.
Laura is a spoil bratt and use to getting her way. Teddy needs to be the man of the house and put his foot down. That is want Laura is looking for from him. She don't want to boss him around she know the way they got married was great but know after sometime she hoped that things could get real.
Jake no she doesn't owe him she know he has a crush on her she might let it slip out that started to date. But she not require to inform him on any of her personal life.
Claire is her friend and wants to look out for her, however she knows Jake have a thing for Olivia and she wants Olivia to tell him to hurt his feelings. Perhaps she had a thing for Jake and he turned her down because of Olivia.

. .
tammy.sharda chapter 7 . 5/24/2019
Guest chapter 26 . 5/1/2019
Please update this great story...
Fancygirl68 chapter 26 . 2/13/2019
Please update...Your stories are the best...
Fancygirl68 chapter 7 . 2/13/2019
Great story...!
OLITZScandal4Eva chapter 26 . 12/20/2018
I really hope you update this story! It’s one of my favorites!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/27/2018
sillyme816 chapter 18 . 10/13/2018
I just re-read this. Please continue.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/12/2018
3 years later ?
fitzgeraldgoldwyn chapter 26 . 7/16/2018
I love this story! Please update soon
Guest chapter 26 . 4/6/2018
I hope we find out what happens next
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