Reviews for Children of the Past
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20
How but some new with Daigo Nishijima
SilverJaguar101 chapter 49 . 8/27/2018
I love this story, plz update soon.
bulk Locke the the grim head chapter 49 . 3/16/2018
love this update but less serious it like it borders along the lines of kinda dark in a way. also like the kids training thing no one I know of does that good job
Nova Ozuka chapter 47 . 2/26/2018
You referred to Gizamon as Betamon twice in the bonus short.
Luckash chapter 49 . 2/1/2018
You surprised me here. Both with using BanchoStingmon and having him being FanBeemon's father. I guess he might make an appearance on Children of the Future ?

Nice chapter, as usual.
darkmachines chapter 47 . 12/10/2017
The past one still a bit confusing some time, but I still enjoy it.

I just feel when you do the future one that when your at your best.

Happy Holidays to you too and I just hope next year will fix all wounds too.
RayvenShade chapter 46 . 10/23/2017
One down, Seven to go. Not to mention they'll still need to fight Chronos's lackeys. And then there's Vademon/Ebemon to worry about, plus whatever Monster that Hagurumon and Solarmon mentioned earlier. I still think they would do better to split up at some point, what with all these enemies they still need to deal with.
RayvenShade chapter 44 . 8/31/2017
So, they're gonna fight the Ancient Legendary Warriors. Well, good luck with that. I don't know how they're going to pull that off, but it's worth a shot. Of course, with there being eight of them, (and only four knowing about the stones) it would probably be best if they split up a bit. Not as much as they did last time, but just a little bit.

I am curious though as to what happened with Vademon. I would just love to know next time.
Death.exe chapter 44 . 8/27/2017
So finally getting on the mood to writte more of this, are we? Good!
I have to say that the characters interacting is always fun, and the fight between Alphamon and Omnimon/WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon was one of the best I have read!
Your progression in writting ability over time is notable, that just makes things better every chapter
See you next update!
Kinaki747 chapter 43 . 8/1/2017
This is a pleasant surprise. n_n
RayvenShade chapter 42 . 7/1/2017
I just came in, so I had to read all of it before I commented. And this, this entire story in all aspects, is truly amazing. I love the characters, I love the plot, I love the battles, I love it all! As a matter of fact, the only thing about this story that I don't like is the fact that you seem to have stopped writing it. It's been 10 months since you last updated this story, but only 10 days since you updated CotF. Please do more of this story. I'd like it more if the prequel was finished before the sequel was.
Nintendoman01 chapter 19 . 9/26/2016
Well, I can certainly see why Shibumi is so jaded. Makes me feel sorry for him.
darkmachines chapter 42 . 9/1/2016
Well, when you thought the big boss was gone, a newer and strong foe with powerful underlings come in to change the game of saving the world. Well, left hope our heroes can pass and what up with others think too. Keep the great work up.
Nintendoman01 chapter 4 . 8/27/2016
Huh. For some reason, I was expecting Salamon to evolve into a Gatomon. Oh, well. Still cool.

And I can tell from that Koromon's comment at the end that he's Marcus' future partner.

I'm officially hooked on this. Can't wait for more.
darkmachines chapter 41 . 8/7/2016
Are you at the half way part or near the end? Because I'm very excited to see all six of them go mega. I feel an epic battle coming up next. I can't wait to read that buddy.
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