Reviews for Slow torture
Piluhappy chapter 44 . 4/16
Love it! Can’t wait for more
Demon'sGrace chapter 44 . 7/8/2019
Well crafted, managed the whole thing in one go(not sure what this says about me). I’ll be honest I was waffling between the villain either being someone from the prison or actually being after Mycroft(he seemed to have a lot of connections and hid both himself and his helpers from the government very well so I figured he might have been going after Mycroft by attacking his weakest side, Sherlock. With his motive being a wild goose chase) I get that you might not finish this, but thanks for keeping with it till John was on the mend.
LookAgain chapter 1 . 8/5/2018
Please finish!
DisappearingKangaroo chapter 44 . 4/1/2017
Holy shit your warning at the beginning was horrifyingly accurate. In a good way. Wait. What I'm attempting to say is that it was a great story and (quite obviously) depressing. Okay, I can tell I'm not making things better. What ever the case, it's a good story and now I'm actually emotionally dead.
Seomi chapter 44 . 7/3/2016
Oh, I wish you had finish the story so I could have had some closure. If you ever decide to come back, would you pretty please make it a happy ending, I think John deserves that much for all that he suffer.
Please and thank you for this lovely yet right in the feel story.
jWatson-Holmes chapter 33 . 7/21/2015
This is my favourite chapter.
Rereading is quite fun (๑̵ᴗ̵)و
I'm still grinning like a madman at the scenes of John getting hurt.

I haven't been getting any notifications and now I'm like shoot I'm emvery/em late.
duorock chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
read the entire story in one go, and...Oh my God! Poor John! Poor Sherlock! This is painfully cruel but oh so good! Wonderfully done! Looking forward to further chapters!
Guest chapter 44 . 7/7/2015
John's back and spent a night. Good for him. Sherlock did good with the room decor. Even knowing John can't sleep in it, he tried to put as many good memories in it as he could with the photos and poster.
abutterflymind chapter 29 . 7/9/2015
Answer: No, not at all, I really was at a loss, so bravo on the identity of your culprit! He's giving Moriarty a run for his money as a villain too! Oh and I am stomaching it alright, ;-) but as for poor John, I keep wondering how long until his mind cracks for good.
SherlockWholmes chapter 44 . 7/7/2015
Personally I don't ever see John using his old room. Sherlock did a wonderful job redecorating, but the space itself will always good too many bad memories for him. BTW I agree with John's therapist about Sherlock being good to him and for him.
Astrido chapter 44 . 7/7/2015
aw, the room is nice. did sherlock put a lock to the window or something?
the redecoration sounds lovely.
Duochanfan chapter 44 . 7/7/2015
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor Sherlock and John, its nice to see John coming home for the night, Sherlock doing his all, and feeling like his failed, when all he can do is be there for john. such a wonderful chapter and so nice to see more from you!
Guest chapter 43 . 7/3/2015
Happy to see an update and I'll be even happier to see John back at 221b. Thanks for writing!
Astrido chapter 43 . 7/3/2015
very nice, will there be more regular updates now?
jWatson-Holmes chapter 43 . 3/21/2015
Brilliant! Absolutely BRILLAINT!
This deserves an awful lot more favourites.
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