Reviews for Moony's wicked adventures
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 17 . 8/2/2014
Awww! :)!the ending melted me!So sweeeet!Hehe,you're welcome!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 16 . 7/27/2014
Aww!this fic was really enjoyable though,I'll miss it when it finishes!hehe!Oh my,I did like the twists here,all that feeling!Really loved it! :)
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 15 . 7/27/2014
Oh man!the other one just came out!lol!Haha!I felt a liiittle bad but laughed too much at Remus!Poor guy!lol!Psst!I did kudos you on ao3 I think!Lol!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 14 . 7/5/2014
Hahahhaha!Loool!Oh that was hilarious!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 13 . 7/5/2014
Awww!Well,that was something,Peter being all smart!hohooo!Nice one!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 12 . 6/15/2014
eeppp!Is this another werewolf?!OOHH!Can't wait to see Remus's explanation!Hehe!Sirius is hilarious!And seriously?12 sickles for James's picture?!lol!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 11 . 6/11/2014
Awwwh!Finally he is going to take things into his own hands,is he?!Hehe!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 10 . 6/11/2014
Aaaahh!Lol!Non-date!haha!Nice scene with Lily and James!And poor Remus too!
WlkWthThShdws chapter 11 . 6/10/2014
Great chapter. Love it!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 9 . 6/9/2014
Aaaahh!poor sweet Remus!I feel so bad for him!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 8 . 6/9/2014
Ahahahaa!Lol!McGonagall's boobies!looool!Slughorn is such a pervert,egh!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 6 . 6/1/2014
Hahah!What a turn every time!