Reviews for When Stars Align
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14
I'm rereading in quarantine.
n.i chapter 27 . 11/13/2019
five years huh?
i am reading this fic for the nth no. of time and its still as good and still as nostalgic.
i can only hope fruitlessly for further updates but thats unlikely to happen.
author-san u might not read this at all
but have to say this was an amazing fic and i do hope to read such stories in the future.
Guest chapter 20 . 11/5/2019
That was fucking beautiful. I cant even- oh god *sobs*
MikasaPatricia chapter 9 . 11/5/2019
I still don't like the guild change despite it being temporary. My passion burns for NATSU AND FAIRYTAIL. But i love this.
Virusia chapter 27 . 7/7/2019
I know it's pretty late to say this, but thank you for creating this story. Your writing was one of the best I read in a while. The plot was outstanding and very captivating and Lucy's emotions were described in the best way possible. You could understand her reasoning and her change didn't seem like a cliche Lucy fanfic. Even if this may be the end for you, I wanted to say that I understand tour decision and wish you best of luck in the future. You have my support
sachiii chapter 27 . 5/28/2019
Hi, i don't know if you'll read this or not, but i just want to say that this is by far the MOST interesting, beautifully written NaLu fanfic EVER. I love this fic with all my heart and I really really hope you can summarize this
Guest chapter 14 . 4/18/2019
I read Youn-Know-Who. Thought of ol' Moldyshorts
Tosha232 chapter 20 . 12/28/2018
I felt she gave in too easy. It’d be cool if the fraught and half way through they make up. But not all authors are the same. You made me cry! Lol, that doesn’t happen often to read a story and be soo emotional I cry. But that scene with Natsu and Lucy was so beautiful. For people who say Lucy didn’t punish Natsu enough didn’t imagine how much pain he was in hearing Lucy cry or tell him how lonely she was. Your story is so amazing you were able to connect to readers heart. Or one reader anyways. My mom told me it’s special when you read a story it makes you feel emotions, cry, laugh, anger, etc. Awesome, I definitely felt those three. When I read I don’t see the words I pitcher like I’m watching a movie. I had soo much fun imaging how the characters reacted to certain situations. I love the oc’s. I love Lucy’s new magic. You really did good. But the best part is, it’s not over. I just had to leave this review first.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/15/2018
Nuuuuuu it’s almost done I love this amazing story so much and you are awesome for making it
Guest chapter 25 . 8/15/2018
I am sad. Only two chapters left I wish this went on forever
Guest chapter 19 . 8/13/2018
This chapter was amazing but it’s so weird to imagine Natsu cussing, imo. I can see him saying crap or hell or damn or ass but just can’t see him saying anything more than that for some reason. But anyway, I also for some reason imagine Ivy talking in this weird British sounding bad guy accent. Just imagine the way Snape talks, that’s how imagine him talking. I don’t know why. But I would love to see natsu and ivy fight and also natsu and Lucy fight. And STAHP WIT DA CLIFFHANGERS! Now where mah cupcake at?
Guest chapter 17 . 8/13/2018
Please don’t kill Lucy
Guest chapter 9 . 8/13/2018
I thought fairy tail had more than 3 s class mages? Anyway this is an amazing story and I laughed when you said “son of a unicorn”
TheAvatarShadow chapter 5 . 8/11/2018
omg I have no more tears left
squiddy323 chapter 23 . 6/8/2018
OH MY F-ING GOD! I absolutely LOVED this story! Your such an amazing author!
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