Reviews for Asthma
pronker chapter 8 . 10/15/2016
A h/c fic, one of my absolute faves. Well done with the stubbornness from Skipper and overriding caring and frustration from Kowalski. Blowhole's inclusion was interesting - it seemed like he passed over the chance to simply leave Skipper to suffocate and put him into the breathing apparatus to keep him alive. Hmmm ... Anyway, loved the unusual ending and the fact that yes, the zoo animals /were/ horrible, even Marlene and the chimps who are marginally helpful to the penguins. Good job.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/8/2014
please tell me your going to write a second part to this?
Hunter chapter 8 . 10/6/2014
AWW! NATTY! That was so sad! Well, it was an amazing story! Don't stop writing! I can't wait to talk to you again.
Nachtgeschichte chapter 8 . 9/22/2014
Since I have read it in one sitting I'll just post one longer review (hope you don't mind). First of all congratulation to both of you for writing such an awesome story and coming up with an interesting plot. The idea with Skipper's asthma and how he needs the inhaler. Yup, one can live with that illness but it gets troublesome. So, I'm not surprised Kowalski is worried and making the fuss in this case is justified.

I liked that the chapters were so Kowalski-centric and that they showed many aspects of his friendship with Skipper (from arguments to cooperation). I still wonder what was Blowhole's plan (apart from killing them, obviously. I actually thought at first that he had killed Rico and Private, it was described in such a way). Probably I imagined it more drastic as it was in fact.
The pin in Kowalski's spine. The dolphin was controlling him thanks to that so he could force him to hurt Skipper. God, that would cause even more drama. Julien took it out but a part could stay in Kowalski's body...hmm...Anyway, the lemurs rescued them...poor Mort tho, left behind.
Just one minor thing I have to note – few dialogues, like for instance a part of that one between Kowalski and Private in Blowhole's lab seemed a bit 'empty' for me. I don't mean that one Skipper had with Kowalski when they were deciding what to do in the park or in the second HQ but like that when Skipper was sleeping and Maurice tried to convince them that everything was fine.
Oh, and not to forget another plus for making references to some episodes, for example "Operation:Swap-panzee”.

And finally that twist with the animals not wanting to help – genius. Pure genius. It illustrates how selfish people can be when something is not their concern. So, a brilliant ending (although I think Private and Rico won't accept Kowalski and Skipper's decision to split the team but we will see /hopefully/ in the sequel). Keep me informed when/if you decide to continue it c:
Aquade chapter 8 . 9/22/2014
Hrmph! I can't believe the others didn't want to help. After all the boys have done for them!

Poor Skipper and Kowalski... they're going to have to leave Private and Rico. I hope the other two take it well...
thewriterstory chapter 8 . 9/22/2014
This story is so aweshummmm :3
I really liked the penguins in this chapter, another amazing story of yours :D
Treemist1022 chapter 8 . 9/21/2014
This gave me a disliking of all the zoo animals beside the penguins and lemurs I was unaware I had, I mean they were really selfish and Kowalski should have hit Marlene.

Great story! I hope you do at least one more chapter.
Extreme Light 9 chapter 7 . 7/23/2014
I'm really glad the lemurs came, but what will happen to Mort?
Mikadaphne28 chapter 7 . 7/23/2014
XD, YEZ! Mort crziness! XD
Layla :D
catty-cat-cat chapter 7 . 7/23/2014
Oooh ... So they were the lemurs ... Don't know why, but I somehow glad they came ...
Oops, Mort is being left alone. Again. When's the next chapter?

PoMlovah611 chapter 7 . 7/23/2014
Heehee... it's almost ending right? :/

Alrightie! X3
Mikadaphne28 chapter 6 . 7/3/2014
CliffhangercliffhangerCLIFFHANGER! : O : O : O XD. Randomness...Love the story, girl. Can't wait for the next chapter. The writers really are getting good ideas nowadays. Layla ;)
Rainshadow999 chapter 6 . 6/30/2014
Oh come on! Why do all the Penguins of Madagascar fanfics have someone nearly dying? Okay, not all… You get the point though. This is brilliantly written, and kind of adorable. Please update soon. :)
FreeBelovedArmy chapter 6 . 6/29/2014
Ahh, ahh, whoa, what, ow, no, what is happening I'm so confused what what what ah no no no please post the next chapter soon I can't not know what happens next oh my god
Aquade chapter 6 . 6/28/2014
Three figures, huh? Rescue team? Although the different heights stuff give me an odd feeling that maybe... perhaps... the lemurs might be involved?
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