Reviews for Less Than Zero
miguelduarn chapter 38 . 5h
I’m reviewing to boost the count because this story is just that good.
Guest chapter 38 . 6h
Solid chapter *thumbs up*
Nonsense67 chapter 38 . 8/2
I have no idea what's going to happen next. Great chapter as always Kenchi
BKTHEASSASIN chapter 38 . 8/2
Yo fuck that guest hater if he wants power houses go read Superman fanfiction or dbz fanfiction.
Also are you sayin we didnt have to pay at the beginning of the chapter and you havent recieved any money ... who the fuck have i been givin my money to.
The formerknight chapter 38 . 8/2
I’m sensing an Anarchy, Null, and other possible allies teaming up to take down something super epic. I did some digging and I must say... I love where you are going with this
tobion1984 chapter 38 . 8/2
Thanks for the update. Everytime feels like Christmas. I needs more lol. I needs it.
Dave chapter 38 . 8/2
Good story
javierdiaz240994 chapter 38 . 8/2
gracias por el capítulo bro eres un master
Guest chapter 38 . 8/1
Thank you for the incredible story so far I love what you do on this sight and your stories have helped me through some really hard days I know you don’t like it when people ask about your other stories but are you done with your bleach and Naruto crossover? I really like it and wanted to know if you were done or not so I could stop anticipating something that won’t happen once again thank you for your awesome work on this site and I hope that you continue
L chapter 38 . 8/1
Let me guess, Batman is worried that one of his screw ups is coming back to bit him in the ass thus him snapping at the other hero.

While am interested in how this is going to play out for Null, is the entire reason he doing this all just to get back at Batman? Granted I would be bitter as toward him given how close he was to have his life ruined possibly forever but Null is playing with fire there as Batman does have his no kill rule but almost everything else is not off the table and I don’t think beating Null into a coma would cross any lines with him.
carnagie chapter 38 . 8/1
Oh dammit, you kept Brother Eye? Skynet plots are always a pain.

Anyway, yeah the Identity Crisis plotline is pretty fucked. I don't particularly blame the heroes, but it's a consequence of trying to do darker stories in a universe where you're mostly not allowed to kill. (because coming up with new heroes/villains is a pain) you end up creating fates worse than death (like basically being lobotomized).
Anon chapter 38 . 8/1
First of all, ignore the trolls. This story is pure quality. Second, I am really looking forward to where this story goes. Max is definitely becoming a major catalyst for change in the DC world. As far as this next story line goes I am kinda getting flashbacks to the whole thing with the cursed slab. Max, a largely neutral force in the hero/villain state of affairs ended the threat that the hero with him did not. I think it would be a really amazing sort of irony if the self-centered/self-aware thief ended up showing the heroes a major spot on their record. At the end of the day, Max is an outsider to their world. He understands and can navigate it better now, but he is still not really a part of either side so he might be capable of seeing the larger picture in ways others can't. I just can't wait to see what you do with this.
chm01 chapter 38 . 8/1
Hope Null's being practicing with the iron sand or his encounter with that particular Wilson's going to be very painful and very short.
Argonian Dovahkiin chapter 38 . 8/1
It's always a good day when this story updates. I love your sense of humour. Its hard finding good oc stories where the main character isn't all "I'm good so I'm gonna be a hero" or something like that so this story is a nice treat.
Sum9 chapter 38 . 8/1
Nother great chapter. let's pad taht count! Those are rookie numbers, ya gotta crank them up! XD
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