Reviews for Saving Fifty Shades
Ms MMS chapter 34 . 4/28
I hope this isn’t t6w end of the story. Does he tell his parents about Elena? Yes, she is getting help, is a better person than in most stories but she needs to be out of the Greys’ lives. What about Leila, what happens? Do Kate & Elliot get back together. P,ease come back and just add a finishing chapter typing up the loose ends. This is a great story, now on to your other. I enjoy your writing immensely.
Ms MMS chapter 19 . 4/27
So incredibly sad for Christian and Anastasia. Four him to stupidly let her go is unbearable but I just know you let them fix this. Great story.
Ms MMS chapter 18 . 4/27
Perfect put down from Ana to Olivia and Andrea. They taking Christina’s hand is great.
Ms MMS chapter 11 . 4/27
Fantastic story. its nice to see a softer, less evil side of Elena, I hope she doesn’t resort to her old tricks to keep Christian and A a apart. It’s also nice to see Christian trying without him being too soft and a totally different man from the complex man we love.
Ms MMS chapter 4 . 4/7
Horrible that is as wasted as she and yet is driving but at least the pulled over. Her phone call to Christian is great but when she hangs up and she and Kate are trying to read their phones things are hysterically funny. I love your writing, you’re really funny.
Ms MMS chapter 3 . 4/7
This is so fun. Both Christian and Elliot are acting so young and almost silly. I love that Christian’s pursuit of Ana has a light feel about it. It’s almost like he’s less severe than usual. It was a hoot to read Flynn’s reaction to Christian’s plan for Ana. This is just too cute.
Ms MMS chapter 1 . 4/6
Great beginning. Unusual premise to have Ana and Elena like each other although once things Ndola with Christian I’m sure the old enmity will appear. As always Christian is an arrogant jerk but I’m sure Ana will remake hen into our beloved hero.

I love Rays character and relationship with Ana, this should be a fun journey.
shellz71 chapter 34 . 5/5/2019
great story loving it update soon please.
limtse1978 chapter 34 . 3/22/2019
Is there more coming?
SMEADE chapter 34 . 1/2/2019
Glad their on the same page and will be... I hope you could continue with an engagement, wedding and a forever after. This was a very enjoyable story loved reading all the new twists kept us readers sitting on the edge of our seats wondering where you were going to take us next.
SMEADE chapter 33 . 1/2/2019
Kate telling Ana the truth about Leila and Ana again having a hard time that Christian didn’t tell her right away. Glad Elliot went down to talk to Ana he really loves his brother and wants them to get back together because he’s seen how Christian has changed and he loves it.
SMEADE chapter 32 . 1/2/2019
Glad Ana had that talk with Maya and cleared the air about her not letting Kate say things about Christian. Maya telling Ana that she saw Kate leaving GEH crying now she will have to ask Christian about it.
SMEADE chapter 31 . 1/2/2019
He still didn’t tell her about him and Elena unless she doesn’t want to hear it but she should hear it all. Birthday sex he sure gets a lot of it even before his birthday.
SMEADE chapter 30 . 1/2/2019
This was one powerful chapter everything hitting the so call fan. Glad Ana was defending Christian telling Kate she doesn’t know everything but Christian needs to tell her when they get back to Escala..
SMEADE chapter 29 . 1/2/2019
Interesting your twist to this story Elliot breaks up with Kate. Can’t wait to read what Kate knows about Christian and who told her.
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