Reviews for Creatures of the Underworld
ahkee-chan chapter 27 . 3/29
I know I found this story quite late, but I really love how you write these angsty story! this ending here is such a bittersweet and beautiful one to a really well written emotional roller coaster! I absolutely love it!
Babywolfchick1142 chapter 27 . 11/16/2019
That was simply beautiful and devastating. Devastatingly beautiful, words cannot even describe the feelings you made me feel. And to think, even after everything Yuki did to achieve his goal, apart of him still remained so pure, so breathtakingly good, that in the end it was worth it. I'm glad he found peace, even though it meant he had to die alone and miserable. This is just the kind of twisted live story i needed, it was perfect. Now if only I can find more like this, there are surprisingly very few i have been able to find really brings focus on Yuki and Akito. I find it enthralling and also painstakingly hard to find. bravo, bravo. i doubt you ate still on here, but I hope you get my message. i want you to know that this story touched my heart and soul, you are a brilliant writer. Thank you for your mind.
wow chapter 27 . 7/8/2019
cried so much jesus
write a book pls chapter 17 . 7/7/2019
wow just wow you'll probably never see this since this was posted 5 years ago but honestly such a well written captivating story. i hope you pursue a career in writing. this is amazing i almost don't want it to end. i don't really read fanfiction i'd rather read books but i checked it out because i think yuki is such a layered character and i wanted to see other's interpretation of him and explore his mind through someone else's eyes and with this i felt like i was reading a book.
im stunned chapter 8 . 6/17/2019
holy shit you're actually an amazing writer. i don't wanna write too long of a comment because i'm very keen to move on to the next chapter but the way you captured me in yuki's emotions and the depth of his past was strong in this one. you kinda move ahead with the plot before you explain things which is what really gets me sucked into a story. I'm just really stunned about the emotional complexity and character depth in this chapter well done.
AlterDay chapter 27 . 12/31/2018
I love a good angst
Guest chapter 27 . 1/7/2018
I love this story and have read it many times . I think it is beautifully written and stirs emotions that are real and vivid. Truly a masterpiece.
moonlightstarrynight123 chapter 27 . 6/10/2017
Just wow.
I don't think I can find the words to describe how amazing this story was. It has got to be the best FanFiction I have ever read, period. It touched me emotionally in ways that I don't think anything else on this website ever has. I think this is something that everyone into fanfiction should read, whether they're into Fruits Basket or not. It's too good.
judaiandjohan chapter 27 . 7/14/2016
This story was absolutely amazing. I haven't read stories for Fruits Basket in a long time, but this story left me speechless. It kept me on the edge of my seat, forced me to take a break while I contemplated what was going to happen before reading the next part, had me laughing at the witty banter, cheering on Yuki when he was standing up for himself, and finally. Most importantly, it had me in tears, this story has done what many have failed to do, give me such a strong attachment to the characters that I actually cry for the tragic parts. I know this story is completed, and closed, but I will always cherish this story, as it's such a strong story. It will be added to my Favorite's list so I can come back and feel all these emotions again. Hope life treats you well and have a wonderful day. Buh-bye!
Aideen Narita chapter 27 . 12/4/2015
Im cruing. I have been crying fir an hour now.
You yave made a fabtastic atory, a uniqe and special story. I loce it. It's perfect and written really well. And althoug the ending have left me crying i really love it too.
Ironicaly enough 'Savior' by Black Veil Brides stated playing just as I read the last part and nom I'm crying even harder.
Thank you, there are few things I like and enjoy better than stories that move me and make me feel the emotions. Thank you, this really is an amasing story. Thank you

And btw, sorry for any writing mistakes
Mimi chapter 27 . 11/7/2015
Reading this for the second time. Crying for the second time. I hate that I've finished it. I love this story so SO much. It's heartbreaking and realistic and BEAUTIFULLY written. I'll be back to read this again in probably another 6 months simply because I love it so much. This wonderful piece of writing needs to be acknowledged. I hope you continue to write for a long long time because your creativity is out of this world. Thanks so much for blessing us with this beautiful story.
Guest chapter 27 . 10/5/2015
Wow!...Wow! Tears, so many emotions right now. Powerful story. Im sad :( but Wow! you are a great writer! People would buy your books!
Hinabisitka chapter 27 . 8/23/2015
Talk about tear- jerker! It was fantastic! A wonderful way to end this story! I hope there's another like it soon. You're a phenomenal writer, and I'm absolutely positive, that if you keep writing like this, you could be writing nation-wide novels!
Guest chapter 18 . 8/2/2015
Yukis such a slut tbh he wouldn't let tohru touch him but he willingly has sec with akito? Wtf dude you honestly deserve that illness
Guest chapter 17 . 8/2/2015
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