Reviews for To Love Another Soul
Dom chapter 1 . 4/21
Hey, I just wanted to let you know, your fic gave me my favorite sentence I have ever read.
I read this back when it had only just come out! (years ago, now) And then I lost the bookmark, but that sentence has stuck with me:
"My pale hair tumbles around my shoulders like waves of vomit from an ethereally beautiful unicorn."
Still love it, it's an honestly delightful sentence.
I'll give the rest of the fic a read now- happy writing!
Sln-luna chapter 11 . 4/3
Génial tout ce début d'histoire.
ro781727 chapter 1 . 4/2
Haldir didn’t die in the book version, so how could she have wept reading about Haldir’s death?
Sakura Hatsu chapter 3 . 1/26/2016
Whit " Even if he does sometimes state the obvious. " he is so cute!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 2 . 1/26/2016
Lol she has the best power ever! Aka i hate the cold.
Sakura Hatsu chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
Omg! The color of her hair i didn't see that coming! Unicorn vomit! Just epic.
jada951 chapter 14 . 7/6/2015
a story indeed.

As I started the story, thinking you a newbie writer, I wanted to say, "Good for finishing your story! Lots of writers don't manage that." And it is true.

I actually liked that you skipped some of the forever repeated ff dialogue, but then when Aragorn didn't go off the cliff...actually, before that. When she killed the Watcher, there was nothing to keep them from going another way...and Celeborn, or lack there of. And Galadriel in battle? I kept saying to my self, "No. she has to take down Bara Dur!" I dare say I could go on and on.
But it just about killed me when Thar. said, "life long and prosper."

I like to encourage writers, I do, and I wanted to, but then you kept getting further and further out that. I didn't know what I could say, until your last chapter.

An amazing spoof, I must say.

happy writing!

ps- do you publish under another name too? Because to write such a good spoof, you have to really know your stuff.
TheWriter chapter 14 . 3/22/2015
Sonata Fuling chapter 14 . 2/26/2015
Love the ending !
12345StupidPenName chapter 14 . 2/13/2015
Can I just congratulate you on such brilliant wordings as "waves of vomit from an ethereally beautiful unicorn", "glittering orbs" and of course the star trek reference? I honestly believed you were serious and was torn between laughing and crying the whole time. Especially when the toaster turned into some kind of elvish port key. Well done my friend, well done. :D
Raider-K chapter 3 . 2/8/2015
Awww! I'm a big sucker for Legomance! ;)
Raider-K chapter 2 . 2/8/2015
Good 2nd chapter- I likehow you just jumped right into the action. I also appreciate how you chose to have your OC NOT remember all the events from the book. More interesting that way. I am intrigued by the mystery of her parentage.
Raider-K chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Fun first chapter and good characterization of your OC. I like her personality.
Herr Wozzeck chapter 14 . 2/8/2015
Wait, so this was a prank the whole time?


Oh, man, you got me good. You, madam, got me real good. Oh, man.

Thanks for that. I badly needed the pick-me-up today. Yeah, internet drama happened last night. It's a long, long story, and... well, thank you for providing some laughter. I needed it this morning.

Aw man, now I feel like a fool, but I don't give a shit 'cause man, I can just look back and be like "hey, remember the time when unicorn vomit was a thing?" Oh, man.

Guest chapter 13 . 10/27/2014
This is such a cute story! I really liked it, but it's a habit of mine not to comment until i reach the last posted chapter. So when's the next one coming?
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