Reviews for Season 3: Rebuilding
Guest chapter 23 . 9/25/2017
Please bring your Season 4 story back; the fact that you removed it because you lost the computer data to it is very disheartening to me. Before you removed it, I always used to check to see if your story updated at the end of every week. If you want to avoid the problem again, my advice to you is to save a backup copy of your story work on a flash drive and keep the flash drive in a safe place...
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25/2017
Disappointed in this chapter. Felicity's reaction to being lied to by Nyssa wasn't realistic from how you've portrayed her character in this story so far, not to mention her lack of reaction to finding out that Laurel has been lying to her family and friends about what she's been up to this whole time while Felicitys been consoling her dad because he misses his daughters.
smileyjunior chapter 23 . 5/23/2017
I don't usually go for speculation or AU fanfics; that being said this is a wonderfully written piece of work. The writing is brilliant, your storytelling skills are wonderful. I hope you continue to write more for Arrow.
capnmac88 chapter 23 . 6/5/2016
That was a fun ride. Nice work!
CG chapter 23 . 7/7/2015
Mr. Ibaraz,

As a guest reviewer, I am truly sorry to hear what has happened to your Season 4 Arrow story. It sucks when a computer craps out at a time when you need it. :( If you DO have to write it all over again, I DO have some friendly input/suggestions that I would like to share below and I hope you'll consider them:

Episode 1: This should have been similar to canon. However, Sara should admit to Team Arrow and her family that she would have been sent to investigate Malcolm Merlyn’s possible re-emergence in Starling City. The character death you chose should have happen as a cliffhanger ending while he and Felicity compare intel on Malcolm’s whereabouts.

Episode 2: This should’ve been a “five stages of grief”-type of episode and the investigation would start but yield no concrete clues.

Episode 3: This should have been similar to canon. However, Team Arrow should’ve bumped into Roy and Thea (considering they said they were traveling the world in your Season 3) by surprise and bring them up to speed.

Episode 5: Simon should’ve been revealed as a possible suspect here and should be revealed as having escaped after the events of your Season 3. He should’ve then be killed by the mysterious archer after Team Arrow, Nyssa and Sara beats Simon, but Malcolm would prove he was not the one who killed THAT character, due to being somewhere else when the mysterious archer struck.

Episode 8: This should’ve been a two-part episode that should’ve included extra Flash villains teaming up with Captain Boomerang, thus providing an extra challenge for the heroes.

Episode 9: The archer who killed that character should’ve been revealed here; Thea should’ve been present with Oliver and Laurel when the reveal happened. Also, the fight between Ra’s and Oliver should more viscous that what you previously depicted and Oliver should have either cut Ra’s at least once or grab Ra’s sword when the villain attempts a killing blow; thus showing Oliver’s defiance in the face of possible death.

Episodes 10-11: Damien Darhk should still be the minor villain, but someone else should die in his place (much like in canon). Thus, we would see him again as a major threat later on...

Additional wishlist things I'd like to see: Batman vs. Al Sah-Him, seeing other active members of the Bat-family, Sara being White Canary (she'd need a good reason, such as faking her death), and most importantly a Season 5 Arrow story (because it doesn't make sense if Oliver's journey towards being a full-fledged superhero didn't last at least five years, right?).
anessuno chapter 23 . 6/17/2015
Excellent story! I like your take on it more than the actual season 3. I love that you revealed that Oliver knows about Connor; I can totally see Waller using that against him. I wish you had done more with the Flash team as I like that light-hearted element. Excellent job! Thanks!
AlphaEN chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
I really like your version of S3! And Carrie... She'll be back I'm sure. A couple of minor notes: in the States we say apartment not flat and Mom instead of mum.
Guest chapter 19 . 2/18/2015
This is scary accurate for what's happening in season three with drugging Thea and stuff. Mind is blown.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/14/2015
In my opinion, if the League of Assassins had helped taught Malcolm to conquer his own anger and hatred, then he would never had started the Undertaking in the first place.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/13/2015
Didn't Felicity lose her glasses during the fall to her near-death?
Guest chapter 23 . 2/5/2015
Continuity error! It turns out that Malcolm did not give himself the name, "Al Sa-Her." It was Nyssa all along! And guess what? She gave him that name when she was just a little girl! Un-freaking-beleivable!
Guest chapter 23 . 2/4/2015
If you've watched tonight's episode, then you will all now know that it was actually Nyssa herself that first gave Malcolm Merlyn the name "Al Sa-Her" after he displayed the "magic coin" trick on her.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/3/2015
John said "I shouldn't be surprised anymore." Shouldn't the grammatically correct way to say it is "At this point, I shouldn't be surprised at anything anymore." or maybe a similar sentence?
Guest chapter 22 . 2/2/2015
Hey, if Jane died with her eyes opened, then you should have Thea be the one to close them.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/1/2015
Thank you for clearing up the "Jane's funeral" problem. The first time around, I was wondering why it did not occur in the aftermath of everything that happened in this chapter. I felt that Jane deserved some closure, and, in a way, she was given a fair "farewell, but not forgotten in our hearts" kind of moment.
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