Reviews for Remember Diomedes
ScotchnStout chapter 1 . 10/21/2016
While it is different from damn near all Annabeth cheats fics, I can't quite say I like the outcome of this 1-shot
Awesome chapter 1 . 4/15/2015
This really is awesome, its loads better than most.

I like how Mitchell isn't just some week necked moron like in Chaos stories and I like how in skin off her back it was using a Love Potion because really how else would Mitchell get to sleep with Annabeth.

This really is good and I hope you make some kind of sequel to this very soon, i'm interested how everyone else in camp would feel and if Mitchell has learnt to... you know not try and sleep with the girlfriend of someone who could kill you really easily.

Is this the same emotional Mitchell as in Expendable Gender? Because it seems kind of interesting if it was
advictorem chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
Everything about this was great, from the connection to mythology, to the internal struggles of Percy (wanting to be the hero, knowing that's who he was, but also feeling the intense need to hurt Mitchell for touching Annabeth), to the end.

I can't stress how well you captured Percy's personality. I loved reading every second of it. His fatal flaw is personal loyalty, and it was amazing how you displayed the two contrasting sides of him-the part of him affected deeply by his flaw, and then the part of him that contained all the things he hated about himself. Like all children of the Big Three (or all of the Big Three, rather), he has a bad temper. But he IS a hero, and so he can't bring himself to seriously hurt anyone, even Mitchell, who capsized on his absence but isn't that bad of a guy.

You've done something no one (that I have seen so far) has done with a cheating Annabeth. Percy didn't flip his top, call her a derogatory word, cry, discard a wedding ring, and join Chaos. True to their characters, Annabeth and Percy fight for their relationship. They aren't quite okay at the end, but it's obvious they fully intend to work through it. Could very well happen in canon.

Absolutely loved how you differentiated between the two Diomedes (or, Diomedei, for Percy's sake). It really added something, and helped to strengthen Percy's conflicting emotions.

Keep up the great work!
diomedes285 chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Thanks for following my prompt! loved this one shot.
icybluedepths chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
*glare* i hate Michael even more now. Awesome fic, though
fluorescentcas chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
Loved this! It was quite original.