Reviews for She says it's yours
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
how van it stop there i want to know what follows i wsnt to have the MORNING
lil joker 1989 chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
Poor Ja'far was jealous this whole time. Good short story.
KaoraDarnesse33 chapter 1 . 9/8/2016
oh my gosh Kawaii! I loved this story so much!
Tacitamura chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
What a tantrum ! Shark will be more on his guard with Jafar now.
I like the way Hinahoho acts as a father for Jafar, it's so cute ! Like your ending.
Nice story
hellboundangel13 chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
I don't know if you're planning it, but a sequel would be amazing! I really enjoyed this fanfic. It had me laughing through most of it, and the ending was really sweet and cute. I would really like to see how Ja'far reacts the morning after and what happens with that woman.
Anyways! Great job! :) Keep up the great work!
EchizenRyomaLover chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
DYING. IN. JA'FAR. CUTENESS. But ohmygod huhuhu I pity OTL
Soraya31Hikari chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
"I didnt get anyone pregnant recently,"? So you usually did, Sin...

And god, Ja'far? crying! I would like to see that. A drunk Ja'far. A drunk Ja'far, i know that would always lead into 'stuffs'
SarcasticSeraph chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
I think the one line that amused me in this was Sinbad assuring him he didn't get anyone pregrnant recently, lol. That was just so cute and funny though, and wow Jafar is an entertaining drunk. I like how he just starts swearing and reverts to being somewhat brattish. A lot of good stuff here and I like the dialogue a lot.

Out of interest there were probably a few places where I could see a place to break up the text into new scenes (mainly with Jafar running off as he did that a couple of times) but parts of that were just too funny. And sweet at the end; Jafar might take Sinbad even if he is a drunken, perverted letch.
crazy anko chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Kyaaaaaa! XD Ja'far was so cute... Story in this fandom (SinJa I mean) not many out there.
That's why i'm happy for this story, and thank you!
You write an amazing cute and sweet story.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Loved it! Really funny way of showing Ja'far when he's drunk. Sequel please?! To show the repercussions and what's going to happen because of the woman. Plus I'd like to see Sinbad and Ja'far's relationship bloom a little more!