Reviews for Lessons Learned
someone chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
wow. ok. so AU and death. the last scene was actually great. great job
fiesa chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
I watched Apocalypse first, and then went back to First Cass and Days of the Future Past, and suddenly everything made so much more sense :)

This little story is as well-done as your other one. I especially love the short paragraphs, the dialogue and the details - the other characters, the bits and pieces, hints at the past and at a possible future. The regret Erik feels, and Charles' neverending hope. The other beautiful details: how Erik doesn't wear the helmet anymore, how they converse by telepathy, how broken the younger version of Charles is and how Erik wants to leave himself in prison just to spare Charles the pain. How Charles is the one who hurts most when Erik dies.

And the ending. I think the ending is absolutely perfect! I wonder if young Erik knew, or whether he smiles because of something else?

I'm also wondering about the "rebirth" part. I have to re-watch X-Men 3, haven't gotten to that one yet. Thank you for sharing this beauty of a story here, too!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
alessa-vulturi chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
The end.. was that the part when Charles saves Erick from drowing?
Kayliana chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
AMAZING! I love this-it's a lovely enhancement of an already awesome scene. Beautiful, poignant, touching. I'm totally faving this.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
Oh my goodness, the feels. This is such a brilliant one-shot. I love that your writing style is so sparse, yet captures so much between Charles and Erik. Wonderful work.
Brenda Shaffer-Shiring chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Nicely woven. Full of feeling and yet written with restraint.
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
omg that was just damn just damn
tuila chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Gerec, the things you do to my heart. I'm so glad you're writing DOFP fic.

One of the things I loved most about the future scenes was Old!Erik- how he's finally become the man Charles always believed he could be (and that I've always hoped he could be), and I think you show that change in him well in this. He's not that same jerkface who was willing to sacrifice Rogue, or who thoughtlessly endangered the lives of Charles, and countless others, over the years. By the end, I felt like he'd really redeemed himself, and just, I have so many Old!Erik feels.

I love how you have Erik questioning the decision to break Young!Erik out of prison, and Charles' reasoning for needing it. Because yeah, the only reason I can actually see for needing to break Erik out of prison in the movie is because the old dudes wanted to give their younger selves more time to spend together- Young!Erik just basically screwed everything up, as usual, and it's not as if they needed someone with his specific skill set to find Raven, and I think Charles, Logan, and Hank would have been enough to convince her to change tactics once they explained everything they knew.

Also love Erik eavesdropping on the astral conversation between the two Charleses, his need for Young!Charles to know how much he's always loved him. I think that was something that Young!Charles really needed to hear then.

I also thought it was fitting that the pain Erik feels as he's dying is Charles' for him, rather than his own. I think those two have always been so intertwined, and I was just glad that they were together at the end, that they'd gotten the chance to put things to right between themselves.

The last few lines of this are perfect. I don't even know what else to say.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Simply perfection
Guardian.Ghost chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Thank-you so much for this, I've always felt that the older, future versions were always the best of Erik and Charles and now I can be happy. There needed to be more of the two in the movie however.