Reviews for all work and no play (let me count the bruises)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
OH MY GOD THE CUTENESS IS REAL! ️️️️️️️️️️️ I can't even They're so PERFECT together When Wally called Dick "Little Bird" in their smexy shared language I thought I'd die ️️️️️ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS! I bet Batman already knows about them XD
LaserChex chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
ugH STOP MAKING ME FEEL THINGS. You know I'm a hardcore Spitfire shipper but tHIS IS PERF OKAY. asdfghjkl;.
Robin Red R chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Oh my, Mystery, this was absolutely brilliant. I haven't heard from you in so long, it was so lovely to see your name show up in my inbox again. And seriously, what an amazing fic to come back on!

Where to start... I really appreciated how smoothly and realistic their fight was; personally I find fights with his pairing hard to pull off effectively, but you did it. Would have liked to see some more background info on their mission/stakeout.. I know it's not central to the fic but it just felt a bit glossed over considering how detailed you write other scenes.

Wally making stupid ass jokes in the middle of a mission though is just... So perfectly Wally.

As for the infirmary scene, there's nothing I can thinkg of that I didn't love. You did it exactly the way I could have imagined it... My favorite part was how you managed to weave the Romanian into the fic (which, incidentally, always pleases me), and yet make it comprehensible to the reader without separate translation by having Conner there. That's really nice, yeah XD

Also Wally just kissing him in front of everyone and Dick not yelling at him even though they'd just decided not to come out... Ugh, babies. They're too adorably for their own good. In any case, you wrote this really quite well and I'm happy to read your work again, so thank you. Happy writing! :3
