Reviews for Laundry Day
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
There won't be season 4 Rachel Blakely has cancer terminal cancer
dolphinrain chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
this is overall a good story but just some observations. I honestly don't think Ned would have left his weapon behind. I do like the scenes between Malone and Marguerite. But I do think some of your story does show Malone is resourceful as well. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to remember he did survive a horrible experience in WW 1. Tribune is also a devious creature.
Marguerite is good in this one, she is smart and resourceful but she is also selfish, arrogant and conceited as well as often a bully. But deep down I believe she is a good person but has a lot of negative qualities I don't find admirable.
dolphinrain chapter 17 . 8/23/2013
great story.I think you did very well with the characters and their personalities. I''ve been catching up on YouTube with the show and I miss these characters, Malone being my favorite. and I m so glad these stories are still here. I especially liked the interaction between Malone and Marguerite. anyway good story.
Niori chapter 17 . 12/10/2009
This story was amazing- it read like an actual episode.

I was exteremely happy when you brought Tribune in- they should have had him in more episodes...hes awesome. You also managed to capture that very amuzing relationship (if you can call it that I guess) that exists between him and Margarite. Oh so amusing.

You also perfectly captured the cute akwardness of Ned & Veronica and the chemisetry between Margarite and Roxten (and that part where they were fooling the guards- pretty hot).

Again, this story was awesome!
Bunny1 chapter 17 . 7/30/2004
Awesome:) Loved it:)
WilliamsXev chapter 17 . 10/1/2003
Great story!
AerinBrown chapter 17 . 3/1/2003
Awesome, awesome story! It was written really well, with a very interesting plot. Characters were portrayed excellently, as well. Thanks for a wonderful story! I loved it.
TLWROX chapter 17 . 1/30/2003
Can you say "AWESOME!"? Cuz I surely can! And this was one of the BEST fics I've ever read! No BS!

The last round- geez. LOVE Tribune's 'soft' side shine through when it has to deal with Marguerite... And her blackmailing Roxton with the medicine and refusing to take it unless he slept! SO like her- it was PERFECT!

Oh- and I loved that Sennia could heal through touch- and the girls' visit to Marguerite while Roxton was talking to Tribune..

I can't even mention the other parts I loved cuz it would be the whole bloody chapter! It was just a well blended, well plotted, excellently written fic. I LOVE the way you guys mesh so well together- you definitely have to write more RR! :) :) :)
Ryalin chapter 17 . 1/26/2003
I already told you how much I loved this story, but I figure it never hurts to see it in print. I LOVED THIS STORY, and that says a lot considering this was a round robin. The two of you make an absolutely splendid team, writing with the perfect precision of a professional writing duo. The characterizations were right on the mark, from an early, self-absorbed Challenger to a humorous Tribune with the droll humor and biting sarcasm we all know and love. The idea of the dancers/bodyguards was sheer brilliance and probably my favorite part of the story with some great Marguerite/Roxton angst thrown in for good measure. The icing on the cake would have been seeing the auto-washing tub get vaporized. I think the two of you were entirely too nice to the darn thing.

Thanks again for such a wonderful treat. Now, get back to writing! I'm going to need another fix...and soon.
The Inner Genie chapter 17 . 1/24/2003
Take a bow, you two. Nice conclusion. I really liked the fact that Ned's and Marguerite's injuries didn't heal quickly. That slowed down the pace and gave the ramification of the adventure a chance to play out...Tribune's humanity (?) and humility...the tender moment between V/N and M/R...and, of course, the realization that at the end of all of the brave daring do and exciting adventures, there's still the damn laundry to do.

What's next?

MissMeggs chapter 17 . 1/23/2003
Great! Fantstic! Super!

Excallent! And many more positive things to describe it! i loved it so much and enjoyed reading a new chapter every week.

have you thought about another series?
The Inner Genie chapter 16 . 1/21/2003
Wow! Great story. Great pacing. Great characterization. True writing talent! You've got it all.
zarah joyce chapter 16 . 1/17/2003
OHHHMMMYYYGGGOOOOODDDD! Only one chapter to go... :sniff: i cannot imagine having myself NOT looking forward to thursdays... please please please have another collaboration, i beg of you!
MissMeggs chapter 16 . 1/17/2003

I love it! (well, except that Marguerite was injured...), I can't believe yuo guys are almost done! You'll have to start another one soon.

You two were meant to write together!
SunKrux chapter 16 . 1/15/2003
What can I say know how much I LOVE this story. I'm glad you all decided to let others read it. It is WONDERFUL. The emotion and worry from Roxton just makes me all gooy inside. *sigh*
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