Reviews for Paths not Taken
Dellypoo chapter 16 . 5/21
I LOVE this story. I’m glad you didn’t kill Tammy off. Her not wanting to be a mom fits in with her personality I think. She was always gun shy about “committing” to Will, so I think this is a good outcome. And, in a non-conventional way, Will and Alicia had “their” baby.

Great job!
Dellypoo chapter 13 . 5/21
Okay, so this isn’t my dream scenario for Willicia, however, it is far more realistic than what I was hoping for. Is it wrong that I want Tammy to just decide she doesn’t want to be a mother and give Will Millie? It’s better than her dying in a fiery crash right?
Dellypoo chapter 12 . 5/21
UGH! Could Tammy have maybe, possibly, had a one night stand? Ugly crying again.
Dellypoo chapter 7 . 5/21
I’m not ugly cryin, you’re ugly crying!
Dellypoo chapter 2 . 5/20
It’s a challenge to make me cry over fanfic. It’s happened, but not often. I’m pretty sure this will end with Will and Alicia together, but damn the ride is painful.
The-KLF chapter 16 . 2/14/2018
Fantastic! Really enjoyed reading this!
Andreatequila chapter 16 . 2/23/2016
oh my gosh, YES i spent all day reading this! I couldn't put it down. U write so well! U brought so much joy to my life with this. There R few Willicia stories that I thoroughly enjoy and would give the days over to read / this is one of them! LOVED IT
Guest chapter 16 . 2/12/2015
This story is one of the best I have read well done
Guest chapter 16 . 1/7/2015
I miss this!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/14/2014
No! Not over! Need more!
Terrific! I miss this badly.
Guest chapter 16 . 9/8/2014
Okay so this was beautiful, utterly perfect and by far the best Good Wife story i've read so far!1xx
Guest chapter 12 . 9/8/2014
I don't care if it resolves itself. I don't like this. This whole plot was brilliant until this chapter, although i do love her voice mail to Will.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/8/2014
Oh this was utterly brilliant! I love this so so much!
Guest chapter 16 . 8/11/2014
Say it isn't so! I want more! I really wanted more of baby/ toddler Millie, and Will doing that with Alicia. I think that would bring him Such deep joy, I'd love to see how you present that to your audience. Tremendous story. Kudos!
workingsomecoffeemagic chapter 16 . 8/9/2014
This was an absolutely fantastic story! I loved it! You really captured the tone of the show, and at the same time gave Will and Alicia the happy ending they deserved! Thank you so much for sharing this!
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