Reviews for A Dragon, a Cat, and One Hell of a Butler
CrescentMoonXIII chapter 25 . 10/2/2017
LOVE the story. I especially love how much of a clusterfuck it became when it's revealed that she's three different species combined AND Sebastian's slave. It was really fun to read. The exposition came a little to hard at the "cave of wonders" when everyone had to spill backstories. It was forced and awkward.
Lily chapter 2 . 2/6/2017
You have never lived in The United Kingdom have you? *sigh* they don't call Americans Yankees in the UK (most of them don't)... The vast majority has never called them Yankees since the ealry 1800s... A British person would notice an American then move on... they won't keep saying "Yankee" and let the who world know there is an American present. You singling your OC out in terms of her nationality constanly is quite annoying. Because, honestly, there is not much of a difference between the British and Americans... If you take out the white trash and minorities of the United States every body else in America acts JUST like the British. I honesty never understood why some American people think the British are completely different and 'superior' to most Americans... That is just the Anglo-Saxon superior rasicm that Hitler kept talking about. They are the nation that raised the colonies. Everything, from rules to words, the United Sates has done is all based on pre-1850s English standards... Your OC is a damn American... Move on... This ain't Broadway so quit it with the Yankee Doodle crap, George Cohan.
mina tepese chapter 25 . 3/18/2016
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-! great story but that means i have to remove my search filters to keep reading. GOD DANGIT!
Demonic girl111 chapter 23 . 2/2/2016
(groans in annoyance) God fucking dammit. Why can't- I should've expected this shit! No sane adult would suddenly change their mind and shit! They're as stubborn and blind as children.
Demonic girl111 chapter 2 . 2/1/2016
K chapter 25 . 12/24/2015
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I love your OC! It was interesting to see how she interacted with the canon characters and her development and personality throughout the story. I look forward to reading your sequel.

Oh, and also… if Artemis/Diana is really similar to you I think it'd be really cool to meet you!
Umm… in the least creepiest way possible…

Anyway, keep writing, and I'll keep reading! -

chilly47penguin chapter 25 . 5/9/2015
Yay! Can't wait for the sequel to be released
Lhasa O-S-chan chapter 25 . 5/7/2015
Jeez, man, September is ages away! But at least there'll be a sequel. This was a great ending to a great fic that I've been devoted to since the beginning and it'll be sad to be deprived of your witty writing every now and then. The sequel will surely be amazing much like everything that happened in this story and I can't wait to see Artemis/Diana again - also, JUST saw what you did there! Diana is the Roman counterpart to Artemis, which seems to be ironic hence the name change. Can't wait for September! That will brighten up the beginning of my two-year exam schooling. Loved this and I'll love to reread as it's a fic you can easily get into if you're ever looking for a good read. Much love!
S-Lioness chapter 25 . 5/8/2015
I kinda liked this chapter, reminded me of the italian man.
update plz
RedRoses97 chapter 24 . 4/8/2015
I cried, laughed, and was shocked multiple times throughout reading this. And I can honestly say that if you choose to end it there I'll be heart broken. This is probably one of the most detailed, interesting, and just all around one of the best fanfics I've read in so long. I'll be devastated if you decide to just end it there. I love this fanfic of yours with all my heart. So please don't just leave it there.
S-Lioness chapter 24 . 3/28/2015
Their relationship is sucky I hoped she would find a way to free herself & stay with sebastian of her own will *sigh*
this chapter leaves a bad taste not that it is bad but it was depressing
Update soon
Guest chapter 23 . 3/25/2015
Pls update soon!
izzythatanimefreak chapter 24 . 3/27/2015
Lady Mary Michaelis chapter 24 . 3/27/2015
The chapter was fabolous even tought I myself would never imagine such an ending... :c
What do you mean with ending it like this!? You mean the arc right?! 8( (please You don't mean to end the fic like this right?!) :'(
S-Lioness chapter 23 . 2/24/2015
:( why? I'm actually considering stopping this.
So she can't ever left the curse? And what kind of relation is that? It just sucks :(
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