Reviews for Recovery
Guest chapter 4 . 5/30/2016
Well my school has an lgbtq club and I'm in England but idk bout other schools and I'm really enjoying this story btw
M-chanchen chapter 6 . 3/21/2016
I think this is very interesting and well written. You did a excellent job at writing. Well done.
Alex is really poor, he is suffering from PTSD, isn't he?
I think it would be great if you could put some more about this Kai guy. I really like him, he seems nice.
Please continue soon.
Armand chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
Thanks for the update! This is one of my favorite Alex Rider stories. Keep on updating!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/31/2015
It shouldn't really annoy me but this story is soooooo American , does the author realize that it's set in uk. Also what is government? And students wear uniform in England.
Creeley chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
Wow, okay, this last little story was 100% amazing. You managed to pack so much into the words that you type, and I really really love that. Alex is amazing in here, and I even like Oscar, even though he starts out as a colossal bully. Like, I can definitely understand him and his reasons for his actions- you've made him incredibly human, and I really really admire that. You have a talent for sure, and I would absolutely love to read anything else you'd like to write. This set of stories is up there with my all time favourite things on this site!
Vivianne95 chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
Quite fun...
lkspires chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
This was an interesting chapter
BrigithBriice chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
oh my god, this was just perfect! Seriously, this made my day. I absolutely love this story and this chapter was just... I can't even. I loved it. Hope to see more of you soon. Kisses, Bri.
TundrainAfrica chapter 6 . 8/31/2015
I liked this story! You plan on continuing it?
Armand chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
Thanks for the update! I find it preferable that you are not making it, as you say, a gay story, due mainly for my purist tendency of 'that deviates from cannon greatly'. Still, I like Kai and hope to see more of him and the therapist!
ColourPages chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
Really like it, but I would prefer it not to become too stuck on one story (the one about Kai and Alex). I liked all the different one-shot type things! Keep writing :-)
ColourPages chapter 4 . 3/21/2015
Liking this so far!
Eiscream chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
Hey, I thought it was time I left you a review :) I love this story, just because it shows how other people see Alex. Also, it is really well writen and plausible (like the reactions and stuff). I especially like the parts were Alex and Tom interact! So, if you can write more of these two (or just more in general, this story is really good) I'd be really glad.
BrigithBriice chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
Hey there!
Sooo, omg, this is so... cute and awwn *o*
I mean, Alex has so much on his plate and... Well, honestly, I don't know what to say other than "I am totally loving this amazing story!". Hope that suffices :P'
And about the gay story that wouldn't be a bad idea at all. I mean, I am already shipping Kai and Alex a little bit *cough* a lot *cough*, but anyways...
Hope to see you soon!
StolenBook chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
I have to admit I was slightly disappointed by this chapter. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as good as your other chapters and there wasn't much plot to it really. You're writing is still brilliant and I love it but I think you could come up with some better ideas. Or you could try basing it further on in the series. Personally, I love Alex!Reveal fics so if you were to do something like that I'd love you forever but it's your story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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