Reviews for Following in his Footsteps
enzo90 chapter 9 . 9/9/2016
In response to how tall Leia is: Ben's height is listed as "below average". From that, we can assume that he is likely smaller than his dad- who is 5'5" and mom- who is 5' 3" at 12, and just about to outgrow them. It's possible, if he were in his late 12s, that he outgrew Leia, but at the same time, it's very possible that he is about an inch or two smaller.
enzo90 chapter 20 . 9/6/2016
I thought force ghosts aren't allowed to interfere with the future? Telling that truth about Jacen would be doing so. Aleo, force ghosts can make themselves "feel" there I believe. So if Mara was strong enough to appear next to Ben and move around, it is very possible that she could touch him and he be able to at least briefly feel the touch.
Unlimited Power chapter 23 . 1/18/2016
Ohh, this one was good. I think there was a bit of a stretch with Jacen's personal bond with Corellia, but nevertheless in the story it worked well and raised some very interesting implications. Great piece of characterization :)
GoldenHydrangea chapter 15 . 9/5/2015
I hate Jacen/Caedus right now.

Good chapter though.
TolkienScholar chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Hey! I'm far from fandom blind, but I'm not terribly familiar with this particular period of Star Wars. These are Jacen Solo (son of Han and Leia, twin of Jaina) and Ben Skywalker (son of Luke and... can't remember), correct? Anyway, this fic was a lot of fun. Now, to some specifics. :)
First off, I liked the title of this oneshot. Negotiations aren't SUPPOSED to be aggressive, so at first it's kind of like "No, duh," but their back-and-forth at the end explains it perfectly, and I really like it. The first paragraph was also really fun. This line was funny: "if having two Jedi Masters for parents had taught him anything, it was that official meetings never ended on time."
Hey, isn't Bandomeer the planet Obi-Wan was sent to in the first Jedi Apprentice book? I can't remember very clearly, but it seems like you've done a great job with the planet, describing its people and culture and economy. The corruption in Argant's company is reminiscent of the Offworld mining company or whatever it was in Jedi Apprentice and seems just right in the setting. I like how you show that Argant has absolutely no case at all, to the point that he's making absurd accusations, but he keeps blustering through. Jacen really seems to have a knack for negotiation. Unlike his father... ;)
The boys' repartee is fantastic. "It's always great to know that at age twelve I could already pass for an out of shape fifty-year-old man." "I meant it in the most complimentary way possible." LOL! :D And this line was wonderful: "I'm not sure whether murder or lying is more against the Jedi Code, so I'll choose not to answer that one." I also like this line because it shows how the Jedi Order clearly has a sort of structure again, after having been fractured so badly.
There are a few SPaG issues:
"One of the representatives raised their voice" - Technically, "their" refers to more than one person, not a person whose gender is unknown or unspecified. It's more correct here (and doesn't give anything away, either,) to say "his."
"Chulman Argant had no legitimate reason to be upset, after all, this entire fiasco was his fault to begin with." - This is a run-on sentence, specifically a comma splice. There are two ways I see to fix it: replace the comma after "upset" with a semicolon or simply break the sentence at "upset" and start a new sentence with "After all..."
"Thanks Jacen" and "Hey Jacen" - Generally, you've done a great job using commas with nouns of direct address, but you seem to have forgotten it here. It should be "Thanks, Jacen" and "Hey, Jacen."
"fifty-year old man" - You need a hyphen between "year" and "old" as well.
Overall, fantastic job; I really enjoyed this. :)
goffikgirlsrok chapter 22 . 2/25/2015
Lke Ben cant have a kids b/c he singl! NEED 2 PEOPLE 2 HAVE KID
goffikgirlsrok chapter 19 . 2/25/2015
This was adorable! Oh wait, wrong account. I hated it!
Unlimited Power chapter 22 . 2/23/2015
It took me a while to figure out the years meant Ben's age.

It was a nice idea. Ben definitely learned from Jacen's mistakes.
HubrisP chapter 22 . 2/19/2015
Another interesting chapter, excellent work!
NotNoImagination chapter 21 . 1/5/2015
Sorry I haven't reviewed caught up with Christmas lol

But the story is still amazing! Keep it up, and please update SoL too!
HubrisP chapter 21 . 12/13/2014
Another excellent chapter.
goffikgirlsrok chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
Wow, I read to the end of tha stupUPID PREP STORY. i HOPE YOUR HAPPY, IT WAS PREPPY.
Unlimited Power chapter 20 . 10/24/2014
Oh, this was very good! Mother-son bonding :) Mara was so IC. Ben regretting that he didn't hug her more when she was alive - so sad...

So I have another Halloween kind of prompt, but happier - Jacen and Ben dressing up for a costume party.
AweSome chapter 20 . 10/24/2014
Loved this and the last chapter XD
Unlimited Power chapter 19 . 10/21/2014
This was really good! :) I agree with Zekk. Jaina should unwind a little at a party, she deserves it.

If you're in the spirit of the Halloween, maybe write a chapter about Ben seeing a ghost.
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