Reviews for Never Without You
WolfRex chapter 17 . 10/14/2017
Great story. Tho it did leave me kinda depressed and confused after this chapter. Did Seiko die and Naomi was with her grave? And did Naomi have that thing.. uh.. idk what it is called but is makes you forget stuff easly? But yeah. Great story overall! I ship Seiko and Naomi VERY hard so I loved this
WolfRex chapter 13 . 10/14/2017
I love your sense of humor lol! Its so funny! Btw you are OWNING this story! You did such a great job!
The Reality DumPer chapter 17 . 5/11/2017
Ahhhh wwhat was that ending?! I pretty much got the hint of the situation from the beginning of the chapter, before I saw the final parts, and then it gets dispelled, for a while, only to be confirmed. I don't know what to do with these feelings.
She subconsciously went to see her by "trying to get lost," and she did find her. They've been dating forever, and they'll date forever. Seiko will always be there... Ugh. I'm happy and sad. Too bittersweet, this is. Now I've started to cry by myself. I had to walk out of the room my sis and I shared.
Don't get me wrong. I find this story beautiful. I find the ending too much for my heart, though. I just ship Naomi and Seiko so hard that finding this fic made me so damn happy, sad, and everything at once. Happy that they got the happiness they deserved together, sad... quite because the ending (when she was left behind) was somehow true to the canon ending of the first game... while not in the same horrible way, still a heartbreaking thing to witness again.
...which leads me to think: was all of this happiness, save the ones from before the tragedy, merely a play in Naomi's head after Heavely Host? Thinking that she had never been with Seiko like that and everything had been in her head made me kinda more depressed about this story. I know you never meant it to be like that, but seeing Yuu's bame as their son made me skeptical about everything... what if he was just playing along?
...well I must stop.
The constant references to the horrors/deaths of the canon story did not slip my view. They were such a nice homage. Good of you to make them as jokes. hehe.
My favorite would still be the first chapter. It had so much impact on me (as much as the impact of their crash lol) that I'll probably never forget this fic. Their friendship here reminded me of Rin and Hanayo (Love Live!)'s friendship, except that Seiko is a perv. haha.
Rearity Dimple chapter 15 . 5/11/2017
I could imagine Seiko's "horror"! hahaha
Yoshiki you jerk. Or not. idk lol
Reality Dumoer chapter 11 . 5/11/2017
No point?! It has all the cute points and more!
Reality Dunpre chapter 1 . 5/11/2017
What the heck did I just read?! It's too adorable!
RainbowColoredHumanBeing chapter 17 . 3/10/2017
And of course Seiko dies! Even in fanfiction universe! I love this story. It was so cute. They deserved to be together like this. Congrats
guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2016
guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2016
okay I absolutely loved the little references to heavenly host though
guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2016
guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2016
Why cant you give them a happy ending... Why cant they be old together. ... aw man
guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2016
I TRUSTED YOU .AND you do this to me im crying.
guest chapter 16 . 12/7/2016
i love this story... Naomi and Seiko my favorite lesbians... its 12 am and I am dying. This is adorable.
PhotoSnapFrenzy chapter 17 . 10/9/2015
Pretty awesome story ! I loved how some of the oneshots talked about the game's elements, such as Yoshie being the school nurse for example.
LaminateGem12 chapter 17 . 8/5/2015
I wanted to cry. So, so, goddamn badly. I really did. The only problem is that my tear ducts are more dehydrated than a thirsty desert gasping for just one drop of water. Didn't even get a small pressure behind my eyes. All I managed was horrendous, almost maniacal wheezing. Probably because I'm dead inside. x"c (No. Those are crocodile tears. XC)
It was a hallucination. That endearing moment of the two of them together laughing about their loud grandchildren was a HALLUCINATION.

Well, THAT aside,
I'm pretty sure my favourite chapter was.. Chapter 15? Not even sure if that is the right chapter number... My favourite chapter is the one where Naomi is 28, Seiko 27, and the former girl is pregnant. And Seiko has all these nerves weighing down on her almost feline shoulders (yes, I know, weird discription. But BOOK OF SHADOWS, well moving on) and you feel like somethong is definitely wrong. So Ayumi and Yoshiki (who are MARRIED! OHMIGOD [internally fangirls as to not wake twim sister up] ) are called over, and Seiko explains to them that her wife (yet again, MARRIED! WHOOPEE [wakes pissed off twin sister up] ohh FUUUU) is going through the hormonal desire stage of her pregnancy. The irony of the situation makes me burst out laughing the minute Yoshiki does.
Then, Seiko shows the two the angry, bruising hickeys on her neck. There are so many that.. It.. Wait.. That they form a RING AROUND HER NECK?!
(These references to Heavenly Host used to make me giggle, but you played with the feels there. Specifically MY feels. It hurt...)

Right, okay. Anyway, the reason I'm mainly picking that chapter instead of chapters like where you figure out Sachiko and Yoshie are still alive and Yoshie is the school nurse of Kisaragi (pure bliss, by the way) or figuring out that Monet and Yui forever is a result of Seiko and Naomi helping a stray (also bliss), is because of the end authour's note.
"Well, that chapter happened"
It's actually weird, because I actually did cry when I laughed (which was a LOT). Maybe my eyes just hate me.

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