Reviews for Shift
Cyan Quartz chapter 30 . 7/9
I freaking LOVE this story. My favorite part of yoyr writing is how SOCIAL it is. Just has a bit of realism to it, like you're writing people, not characters. I like it :)
LupusArdere chapter 30 . 7/8
Yoo I started reading this thinking it was complete. It’s going great so far, honestly one of my favorite you’ve written!
I really like how Danny is characterized, because he’s still the same kid underneath but has to deal with being in the public and being a hero. A lot of the other details like different ‘species’ of ghost, Danny sensing emotions, or being twice born are really interesting and I like how you’ve carved out your own canon. His relationships with everyone are handled well too; they still have ups and downs but it goes deeper than just surface emotions.
Can’t wait to see how this portal activation plays out! I want to be suspicious of Dr Vu just cause she made Danny uneasy but I’m double guessing everything especially with your hints of foreshadowing.
Keep up the good work
rosemound chapter 30 . 7/7
I’m so happy to find you’re still working on this story! I just re-read from the beginning and remembered how much I love this concept and your take on the relationships. I’m excited to see how this all concludes, fantastic work!
MadameMorganLeFay chapter 2 . 7/3
I hugely enjoyed the character set-up in this chapter, particularly of Sam Manson. Just to get some context, I watched the first two episodes of Danny Phantom Season 1, and I have to say, you have nailed these characters! So far, I am hovering between understanding and not understanding why Danny Fenton keeps this secret, so the take in this story makes a great deal of sense. Speaking of "normality" and your note on Harry Potter, the PTA being against a ghost-catcher in Amity sounded a lot like the Dursley attitude towards magic. Great chapter, looking forward to more!
Cyan Quartz chapter 25 . 7/2
Ok, that Bible verse reminded me SO much of the doors in the ghost zone. Was that intentional?
And hey, Butch Hartman is apparently really religous. Or at least that's what I keep hearing people say about him online. I guess he made a video that was a little controversial, I don't know.
But hey, maybe he did pull some minor details about the Zone from the bible.
I'm just surprised he worked on a show about ghosts in the first place. Apparently the bible disputes the very idea of ghosts. But eh, at the end of the day it's a cartoon. And entertainment can be pulled from anywhere.
MsFrizzle chapter 30 . 6/30
First a note about your comments. I appreciate your note about current events might have implied parallels in a story that was developing for six years and the ground work has been long since laid down.

Some years ago, I started writing a story where Danny works in rescue and recovery after an earthquake. I picked a geologically active location for the setting and ... decided to put the story aside as the world was literally rocked by the devastating destruction and loss of life. A few years later I took it out and poked at it again and...and then again. Well earthquakes happen all the time and some basic knowledge in seismology was why I picked the locations to start with. Good thing I'm not a superstitious person.

Dr. Vu was certainly very creepy.
Cyan Quartz chapter 9 . 6/29
Aww hey, you were in Pharmacy school? As soon as this virus kicks over, I'm supposed to finish up my Pharmacy studying at the local trade school! How did things turn out for you?
Cyan Quartz chapter 7 . 6/29
You really make me respect Sam's father here... You did a good job with him.
MadameMorganLeFay chapter 1 . 6/29
I'm in complete awe of the way the action unfolded in this Prologue. Having just watched a few Danny Phantom clips on YouTube to ground myself in this universe, I definitely felt hat the action here closely resembled the original series (which I have not seen, LOL). You have an excellent way of writing the action while allowing the character traits to show through regularly. Great work! This has encouraged me to try out some cartoon series.
katyrcompton chapter 30 . 6/20
great chapter. I really love where you are going with this!
Lala2003 chapter 30 . 6/20
This story is awesome! You're such a talented author and you have incredible storytelling abilities. Your OCs blend seamlessly with characters from the show and the way you've expanded the DP universe and the science behind it is wonderful. You've completely captured Danny's personality, as well as everyone else's. My favourite part of this chapter is when Danny goes to collect Tucker and the incorporeal snickering (I especially love how you write Danny using his powers). As a random side note, whenever I picture Danny fighting the Ghost King in the prologue, I think of Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons.
hiimian chapter 30 . 6/17
My re-read of the story was perfectly timed for this next update! I’m still a little lost about what Danny was trying not to say to Dr. Vu...

I just love everything Mrs. Foley in this story.

Thanks for updating!
Samanny FTW chapter 30 . 6/17
I'm so hyped up by the anticipation. Who will make shit hit the fan? What will go wrong what will go right?

I do hope Sam makes an appearance soon, or the Mansons in general.
MATW chapter 30 . 6/16
You know - when you spend years on a piece of writing, it's very hard to accept that it's good. It's why reviews are so important because it shows us authors that this thing we created, the thing we spend so much time working on, is good. And this story isn't just good - it's fantastic.

Seriously, you've gotten quite a lot of the characters down, interactions between OC/main characters are seemless and you're able to dive into the world and believe that this could exist.

I appreciate the disclaimer you put in at the beginning - I don't think it was tactless and felt that helped with the flow of your chapter.

Glad to see another update this year and even more glad that you're proud of this fic - you definitely should be! See you in the next one!

Guest chapter 30 . 6/16
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Why did it have to stop here! That was an amazing chapter and I feel like you really upped the game with the psychological dissection as opposed to the physical. That conversation with Dr Vu was just SO HEAVY. I’m shook. Now I’m so worried for Danny and what this potential “unleashed from obsession” thing he’s got going on here. Great work and I can’t wait to see more! But as always, take your time love ;)
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