Reviews for Digimon Tamers: Virus Wars
DinoGuy2000 chapter 36 . 9/2/2017
Ah, unfortunate that I couldn't read this sooner.

So Seeker's got a plan, and some very skilled people working on said plan. Worrying indeed. Though, at least Kurt has to suffer a bit. Heh.

However, Hypnos expected it, and has a counter prepared. Still, it does depend on the cooperation of outside parties. I'm quite interested in seeing how that turns out.

Hmm. Hope his Tamer duties don't ruin his chances of getting that scholarship. That would suck.

Cool chapter! Good work!
Kiue Jin chapter 36 . 7/4/2017
I had never heard the term Zugzwang before so I quickly decided to look it up. It fits the theme of this chapter nicely, but the real question is who's hand is going to be forced to do something foolish?

...You know, having thought about it I could easily see a method in which Seeker could dramatically increase the difficulty of any organized group in fighting them, but Kurt's perfectionist/controlling nature (similar traits as his peers in Seeker) would prevent them from thinking of such a plan... That and it might honestly just be beyond Seeker's abilities to actually put into effect.

If you're interested in discussing it I would be happy to do so over a PM Captain, but otherwise I'm just happy to see you back.
wisdom-jewel chapter 36 . 7/2/2017
Holy crap you updated.

I say this is a solid update.

Kurt is right about the whole chess and real life. At times it takes several types of gambits to win. But that could lead to a gambit pileup which isn't good for anyone. Unless they doing gambit/Xanatos Speed Chess to get around it but that kinda tricky to pull off.

And Bobby is right. No plan is perfect which is good to make sure that all paths lead to victory. Not easy feat but doable if all is on board.

I do hope Bobby learns that hopes can be dashed rather quickly. It is good to hope but don't expect it go that way. He might go to his college of his choice but in real life nothing is for certain. So I guessing he shouldn't keep his hopes up high to long.

One thing I notice is that Kurt's Gabumon became a Dobermon. At first I wasn't sure but I did look up and saw it can be done. So when did Gabumon became Dobermon.

Good luck with the next chapter.
Jay Hayden chapter 36 . 7/2/2017
No worries. We've all got lives outside of this site trust me I know that as well as anyone. This chapter was solid and a good read. So quality over quantity and I understand you're working on other things in your life as well.
Warm regards,
Jay Hayden
An Anon Fellow chapter 36 . 7/2/2017
What are the odds that I see you've updated right after I finish watching this weeks episode of Appmon.

Man, really some intensity floating between the Seeker people, Valerie really pushing what she can do around Kurt, leading to quite an outburst from his partner. And now dragging along poor "innocent" Alexis for her schemes.

And oh boy did Bobby just raise himself a deathflag by bringing up his university. Talking about stuff after the plot ends is always a deathflag. Now let's see if he can survive his flag.

One other positive of your "hiatus" is that the song I would now fully call Valerie's proper character song decided to appear; Wish in the Dark by Hiroyuki Takami (not yet released that's in like a month or two but there's a put-together version of it translated that exists)
BEST OC Maker or Gigabyte chapter 36 . 7/2/2017
That scene with Dobermon cracked me up. Nice to see even the biggest baddies can be downright hilarious at times. Also, might be because of the long time since I last read your fic but I don't recall Bobby showing any previous interest in Mikayla before so that last scene felt a bit out of nowhere for me. Looking forwards for more!
Sora Kim chapter 36 . 7/2/2017
Glad to see an update! The chapter was a little shorter than usual, but I can understand that you've been busy. Eager to read more, but take your time if you need to! Rushed work won't be the best work one can make, so all of us readers definitely don't mind waiting a bit for the next chapter, especially if you have other things (personal life, family, work, etc. etc.) you need to sort out.
DinoGuy2000 chapter 35 . 11/27/2016
Pretty cool fight. Even cooler to see the ultimate forms reached. Things are going rather well. Now that they've gotten Seeker's attention, I suppose more problems will be arising. Nice chapter! Good work!
Sora Kim chapter 35 . 11/21/2016
Ah, loved the fight scene! You did a wonderful job, especially with the detail about the sand kicking up. It's very important to add in little things like that haha

I'm eager for the next installment! I wonder who we'll be learning more about next?
An Anon Fellow chapter 35 . 11/20/2016
Just see it as a postive of writing skills that you unintentionally made something feel romantic.

It's about time something went well for the American Tamers so good for them, getting some Ultimates on their team and enlisting the help of the native Digimon as a secondary force of opposition against Seeker.
wisdom-jewel chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
I think Bobby's plan to enlist non-corrupted Digimon is a very good idea. It would help them down the line since they can destroy any tower if the Chosen Children aren't there. Though I can see some trouble if Alexis takes notice and even alerts Kurt about this. There is always a double sword with every great idea.

I did have a feeling that Mike and Kazuki might become or starting on a plantoic life partners (similar to Turk and J.D. heterosexual life partnership). Even if they get married their spouses feel some jealous towards either Kazuki and Mike. But that's how I felt when I read the last chapter and this one. They just become very close friends and mention that friendship is magic if you will.

I like how you did Mike and Nasrin's interaction. I think it is pretty sweet. And her being slightly dry about her kissing it like a mom to make it feel better. Please she got stung by a platypus and those painful as hell. Worst if it hits a nerve.

Alexis is somewhat in a bind. She can give him the information to save her skin. But if she doesn't he would have her skin. It might be best to be in the middle. Give him the facts but not all of the facts at once. Or bend the truth to keep her skin and at the same time let her watch how events unfold. Like not letting the Seekers intervene too soon.

And good luck with the next chapter.
Jay Hayden chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
Forget the length complaints writing is way more about quality than quantity. This was a really good chapter and my amusement with Mike's embarrassment involving Nasrin's comment is great (I created him so direct, if sarcastic, comments like that would definitely embarass him and you showed that well). And he reached Ultimate with Okuwamon! Yes! I love the idea of the blue card and how a Tamer could summon one once they figured out how. The plan Bobby has seems effective. Looking forward to how and where it plays out from here.
Warm Regards,
Jay Hayden
Kiue Jin chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
And the awesomeness continues! Kazuki and Mike got to shine and Bobby actually managed to complete a mission without any innocent people dying...

That's going to be something for our two prior team leaders in time out to think about.
BEST OC Maker or Gigabyte chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
Nice battle scene, the way Kazuki and Mike reached ultimate reminded me of Takato and the others during the pig deva invasion. Nicely done and looking forwards for more in the future!
reven228 chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
The Digidestined got some work done, but now Kurt is about to find out what happened and thus things will get that much harder. Still, I enjoyed the chapter and I cannot wait to see what comes next. Keep goin and stay golden
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